
Comparison to your home country
there are many differences between Venezuela and my home country Canada here are a few of the differences. In Canada the traditional sport is ice hockey with players from that sport being Sidney Crosby and Connor McDavid. In Venezuela there are two traditional sports hockey and soccer, some Venezuelan players from those two sports would be Jose Altuve, Miguel Cabrera, Josef Martinez, and Yangel Herrera. Some of the landmarks in Venezuela include Angel falls, Canaima National Park, and Morrocoy National Park. Some of the landmarks in Canada include Niagara Falls, Lake Louise, and Mount Robson. Some of the traditions in Canada include Canadian thanksgiving, and Viktoria day, the traditions in Venezuela include the dancing devils of yare, and Simon bolivars birthday.
I would love to visit Venezuela because of its amazing landscape and I would love to see angel falls in person.
Core Competency Reflection
I can tell the difference between facts and opinions
I showed this core competency in my project by always checking multiple sources to find info for my project
I can develop a body of creative work over time
developing a body of creative work over time means to generate new creative ideas while working on a project.
I can reflect on my thinking
I showed this core competency by changing things up and making new ideas for this project
I work well with others to achieve a goal
working well with others to achieve a goal means having good communication and teamwork with the members in your group.