My Grade 9 Year
My grade 9 year was an amazing experience. The high school experience was much different than my middle school experience in a better way. Since we didn’t stay with the same teacher and class the whole day I was able to make a lot more new friends from other middle schools. before first coming to the school I was told that the high school teachers were much more strict and meaner than the middle school teachers and now as my grade 9 year is coming to an end I can confidently say that those were the biggest lies ever told to me about high school. My favorite class this grade 9 year for is probably socials because the class is very engaging and it was interesting learning about the history of this country. My grade 9 year has been an amazing year and I cant wait for my grade 10 year.
My Useful Educational Website
My useful educational website is Youtube is a place where you can find any information you need. If you want to know how to do something you can find a video teaching you how to do the thing. people find it easier to have someone teach you something instead of reading instructions and that’s why i think the Youtube is an great educational website.
My Useful Educational video
My Educational Image

This was a picture that I took during the flame test lab that I did in my science class. It was a very interesting lab seeing how the chemicals on the que-tip affected the color of the fire. This was the first lab that I did in my grade 9 year and it was also my favorite lab that I’ve done.
My Inspirational Quote
“If it make you nervous your doing it right” this was a quote spoken from the mouth of Donald glover. what this quote means is that you should be comfortable doing things your uncomfortable with because you never know what something is like unless you try it.
Work Cited
OverSimplified. The Cold War – OverSimplified (Part 1). 2019. YouTube,
YouTube. Accessed 23 May 2024.
“TOP 25 QUOTES BY DONALD GLOVER (of 90).” A-Z Quotes, Accessed 23 May 2024.