ADL Social Studies – Ethical Judgment


Is Violence Justified During a Revolution?

A) How did the use of AI assist you in developing this project?

I used AI, specifically Perplexity, to assist me in developing this project. I first made my own reasons, and then asked AI for its “opinion” on the topic, to see whether we share a similar view. I also used it to assess the strength and credibility of my reasons.

B) How did you ensure that the work you created was still your own, rather than just a product of the AI? 

I did not directly copy the information the AI provided into my document. Instead, I took it a reference, a suggestion, on how I write my reasons and arguments. If I find a piece of information that I want to use that the AI provided, I would write it in my own words, as well as research on the webite provided.

C) Did you agree with the position you had to argue? Why or why not? 

I was arguing for the pro side. I agree that violence is justified during a revolution. I do not support the use of violence, but there are times when violence becomes necessary to stop an oppressive/tyrannical government.

Core Competency Reflection 

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include… I would research the topic online, using different websites as a source of reference. I would ask teachers and classmates to share their knowledge on the topic. Finally, if the use of AI is allowed, such as during this project, that would also be another source of information.

I compile and synthesize information to draw reasoned conclusions, such as when… I have multiple sources of information, I would find common points seen, because those are most likely the accurate information. I would also summarize information to make it easier to read and less complicated.

Learning the Scientific Method: Self Assessment

My golf tower (It is 5’7″) (Made using newspaper & tape)

My egg drop tent (Made using Popsicle sticks, paper straws, newspaper, and tape)

Curricular Response

Describe and reflect how your work with both building of your device (Tower and Egg Dropper) improved your understanding of the SCIENTIFIC METHOD PROCESS. Think about the Inductive learning (Observing a problem using observations) and the Deductive Learning (Using experiments to test hypothesis).

Throughout the experiments/labs, I was able to write a hypothesis, and in doing so, designed an experiement to test it. Doing hands-on experiments based on my hypothesis allowed me to gain a clearer understanding of the different variables (Manipulated/Independent, Response/Dependent, Controlled). Using inductive learning, I observed the creations of my peers, which gave me insights into what I could improve with my own design. As for deductive learning, based on the results of both mine and my classmates experiments, I was able to form a conclusion regarding the things I could improve, thus setting myself up for success the next time I participate in an experiment of a similar topic.

Core Competency Self Assessment and Creative Thinking

It’s important to celebrate our accomplishments.  Which SCIENTIFIC METHOD LAB are you the most proud of and why?

The scientific method lab that I am the most proud of is the golf ball challenge. Before the lab, I was doubtful that I would be able to build a tall tower as I had not any good ideas during the prototype design. Initially, me and my partner were struggling with creating a strong base (Tri-pod base), but eventually, it was able to work, while not the best. I began stacking rolled newspaper layer by layer until we reached 3 rolls continuously stacked. By that time, we had run out of time. In the end, we ended up with a tower at a height of 5’7″, acheiving the 4th tallest tower in the class.

What strategies did you use to overcome those challenges?  Describe in detail.

During the construction of my golf tower, we didn’t have a good strategy for tape distribution, so when we were stacking the newspaper, all we could do was roll it tightly so it wouldn’t be undone. Because they were not taped together, it was difficult to balance them, thus taking up the majority of our time trying to find a balance point for the golf ball, through constant adjustments.

Describe your experience with understanding of the Scientific Method doing the 2 labs?

By doing 2 different labs, I was able find a clear understanding of the variables. I learned that the IF part of the hypothesis is always the manipulated variable, while the THEN part is always the response variable. It was very clear to identify the different variables after going through 2 experiments.

I demonstrated that I can create new things when I …

I created a tent for my egg dropper, which was not a design that other groups were doing. While it was not successful, it was a unique design which shows my ability to think, and not just follow along with what everyone else was doing.

I demonstrated that I can build on the ideas of others when I …

During the building of the golf tower, while everyone was doing a similar design for a base, I noticed the methods they used to hold the legs of their base together. At the beginning of the lab, we were struggling to come up with a way to firmly hold together the legs, but when I noticed how other groups were doing it, we used a similar method, though not the same as we wanted to distribute our tape differently. In the end, we ended up having the fourth tallest tower at 5’7″.

When trying new things, I expect setbacks and failure and use them to develop my ideas. An example of this from the Scientific Method labs would be …

During the egg dropper lab, our idea was unsuccessful has we had not accounted for the force of impact, and we had overestimated the strength of our cushioning. After the lab, the results were all of the succesful drops used a parachute mechanic, and it made quite a lot of sense because the parachute would slow down the fall, and thus you would not be required to have an extensive amount of cushioning to absorb the impact.

Blender Food Assignment Reflection

What core competencies did you demonstrate with the Blender Food Assignment?

I demonstrated creative thinking in my Blender food assignment, which can be seen when instructions in a tutorial video were unclear, I was able to improvise and complete the model to the best of my ability.

I also demonstrated critical & reflection thinking when in tutorial videos where the version of Blender was outdated, such as videos that were uploaded several years ago, I was able to use my thinking to find the updated version of where a certain button or feature was.

ADL Persuasion and Advertising Project

My Advertisement

Persuasion and Advertising Learning Reflection

Which advertising technique did you choose and how did you use that technique to create your poster?

I used persuasion, bandwagon, and testimonial. A discount is an effective way of persuading customers to buy something, even if they don’t want it. By stating that by buying my product, you become “cool”, it is using bandwagon. Lastly, by using a celebrity to “endorse” my product, people are more likely to pay attention to it.

Explain how and why you chose the colors, words, background, etc. that you used to make your advertisement.

I chose bright colors for the different backpacks in order to create a full and exciting feeling, one that is happy and joyful, rather than serious. The words I used, such as “cool”, was used as an incentive for people to want to buy my product, as being “cool” is a good thing, and who wouldn’t want to be cool? Another phrase I used was to express that I had a discount, which then people are more likely to buy something, which they may not necessarily need, because they feel they are getting it cheaper and thus are influenced to buy it.

What do you think others who aren’t in your class should know about advertising?

Advertising would be impossible to do if you were 100% honest about your product. Of course, I am not encouraging lying, but many companies that have marketing campaigns, or advertisements only reveal the best parts of their products and hide away their flaws. If they had been completely honest, people would turn away from their product as they would find it unsatisfactory and flawed.

Core Competency Reflection

This is how I selected images and words to create impact for my planned audience: I choose an image of a popular celebrity in order to attract the attention of students. The words used were used in a certain way where they reflected the different methods used for advertising.

One strategy or activity that stimulated my imagination on this project was when I browsed online and looked at different advertisement posters made by professionals to understand how to properly create one, such as how I would create the graphics so that it appears appealing.

Hunger Games Mutation Project

My Creation

Create Your Own Mutation.pptx

Core Competency Reflection

I can work with others to acheive a goal, which is demonstrated when I sucessfully completed the project with a partner.

I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. I demonstrated this when I thought of an idea for my project, which was to create your own mutation.

I find it easy to be part of a group. I work well with others and find it fun to work with a partner/group.

I inquire into and present on topics of interest and topics related to my studies. My project was not off-topic and was directly related to the assignment at hand.

Photoshop Me in Layers Reflection

What core competencies did you demonstrate with the Me in Layers Assignment?

I demonstrated my ability to effectively use the different tools in Adobe Photoshop. I demonstrated my ability to listen and intake information, as I used the different tools taught in the Adobe Photoshop tutorials. I also used different tools outside of Adobe Photoshop, such as websites for removing the backgrounds of images, thus demonstrating my ability to take advantage of external resources.

I ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener. I always ask questions when I don’t understand something. At first, I will ask my classmates if they can help me, but if they can’t, then I proceed to ask the teacher.

I can reflect on my thinking. When I receive feedback from the teacher, or I find that my work is different than the example, I reflect on my own thinking and edit my work until it is correct.