SJ Reflection
SJ Midterm Reflection
Core Competency Reflection

In this course, my strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include getting the right and the most relevant sources I could find both on the internet and in books. I make sure that the content of the informations that my sources provides are relevant, makes sense, and connects to the topic. When I’m working in a group, I listen to what they have to say and eventually share my ideas so that I could help too. Same goes to the rest of the people in the group. I make sure that I both listen and cooperate with everyone, so that we all get to achieve our goal.
An example of an idea I developed that was new to my peers are the different kinds of racism and the things that makes one racist, specifically covert racism. I feel like the issue is not that new, but I believe it is to some people. I was surprised that I wasn’t fully aware back then that some of the people that told me these specific things were racist and is discriminating me. This course helped open my eyes to understand what and how could someone be or say something racist. It helped me understand the issue more, helped me to be careful with the words that I say, and to feel empathy to the people who experience it.