Positive Social Media
Positive Social Media Post

Joining social media gan give you both risks and benefits. If you have a positive social media account, you can give people a good impression about your background, or give you a positive feedback. Your account can tell a good story about you, and there will no be people out there to tell that you are a threatening person. This can also tell people about your interest, social interactions, and even your hobbies. Since many of us post our daily lives online, it is possible that people can tell what are the things that we like and dislikes, or even assume what kind of personality what we have. On the other hand, having a negative based social media account can put you in trouble in many ways. If you do not have a positive account, people will think that you as well are not a great person to be with and will result different kinds of negative feedback. People will assume that you are a threat to everyone, and they have to avoid you to keep themselves somewhat safe from your presence.
Core Competency Reflection
“I can recognize different points of view and can disagree respectfully.”
- I chose this one because I talk to people about different topics, and I give my opinions about it while making sure that I am saying the right words. I also do my best to not offend them when stating my side, because I understand that people get upset with other’s statements and all of us have different perspectives.
“I can represent my learning and tell how it connects to my experiences.”
- I chose this one because most of the time I find some of the things that I learn, similar to the past experiences that I have. From this, I sometimes manage to predict what might happen to me of I make certain choices, and how am I going to manage sudden obstacles.
“I can understand that learning is continuous and my identity will continue to evolve.”
- I chose this one because I believe that I am still a growing person who is still picking up new informations and learning from it. I know that maturity also comes along with it, so I do my best to understand things as best as I can so I will not eventually struggle with it.
“I can be kind to others, and support others when they need it.”
- I chose this because I know that I am a person who can be kind and understanding with people. When someone asks for my help, I always kindly do my best to help them in a way that they could understand, because I know that they might do the same thing to me.
My goal:
“I can use strategies to help me find peace and I sustain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.”
- My goal is to expand my strategic understanding of the things around me more. I know to myself that I do this in a way that I know, but it does not work as better as I planned most of the time; Therefore, I need to improve this more because I believe that I can use my strategical thinking in other ways, not just for a healthy lifestyle. I believe that if I can improve this, I can use it on other aspects like finance, future planning, or maybe even in my future work space.