This year I will respectfully advocate my needs by asking my EAs, LEC teacher or my teachers for help
If I become sad, frustrated or angry doing school work, I will plan to ask my EA or my LEC teacher to help me be productive or help me calm down. I like to listen to music or play on my phone to help me calm down
Words that describe my year are enjoyable. This year I learned how to make a cutting board in wood working. This year I enjoyed working out in the weight room. This year I learned how to be more organized. I learn best by catching up on work in the LEC room. When I have difficulty with something I ask for help. my strengths are being organized. My stretches are figuring out what to do. I am most proud of passing all of my classes.
I like this song because it helped me with the periodic table of elements
Inspirational quote
“Thats a you problem”- Unknown
I chose this quote because all the teachers use this quote
A useful educational image
I like this image because it motivates me to do good in school. If I was doing bad in school, then this picture wouldn’t motivate me.
Work cited
“The Importance of Education.” CareerGuide.Com – Official Blog, 14 Apr. 2018,
The Periodic Table of Elements Song – Search Videos. Accessed 29 May 2024.
When chemical C (Bromothymol blue) was added to the mixture of chemical B (Calcium chloride) and chemical A (Sodium Bicarbonate), the chemicals reactions turned the mixture into yellow and then became bubbly.After 2 minutes of chemicals A, B, and C, the mixture became a cold yellowish greenish liquid and the powder and liquid got separated.
Communication Competency
My partner and I talked who does what for the experiment. For example I was supposed to empty all the air out of the bag and my partner and I was supposed to mix the chemicals together.
Creative thinking competency
I used my critical thinking to make a hypothesis about what might happen if I added chemical C to chemical B and A. My partner and I hypothesized that the resulting chemical will be blue and warm. During the bag of change experiment, I observed carefully how the chemicals reacted and I took pictures of the changes. At the end the resulting chemical was a cold yellowish greenish liquid. After 2 minutes the liquid and the powder separated. I learned that adding chemical B to A was a physical change and later adding chemical C to the mixture was a Chemical change.
Persona/social responsibility
I had to wear safety goggles, so the chemicals don’t get into my eyes. I supported my peer in the lab experiment by helping him during the experiment.
I felt a little nervous at the beginning when I was going to present this mutated animal to the class. As I started presenting with my group member, I felt more comfortable. I learned that it’s normal to feel intense when you have to speak in public. A good speaker uses a good voice tune, proper body language including hand movements and a smile. A good speech has proper punctuation, includes formal words and putting capital letters at the beginning of sentences. A good audience member is quiet and respectful to the presenter, asks relevant questions and doesn’t interrupt the presenter.
Collaborating Core Competency Reflection
Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include giving them tasks based on their interests and skills.
I know the group is working well together when I hear/see my group members are working hard.
If the group is not productive, we can ask for help to get things moving in the right direction.
If I notice my group members are struggling with our project, that’s a sign that my group needs help, and we can get support from the teacher.
Next time, I can work a little harder and ask my group members for their skills and interests when dividing the tasks.
It’s important to remember who benefits from the advertisement because the company is the one making the money and I would want to know where my money was going
Emotional persuasion is effective because it uses people’s emotions to convince them to buy products. So if the advertisement shows happiness people will buy the product because they want to feel happy.
Eye appeal is effective when selling a product because if it looks good people are more willing to buy it
Core Competency Reflection
Examples of where I communicated clearly and purposefully on this project can be seen in the editing of the slides. I worked with my group and helped with the editing of the slides
I showed others that I truly valued their contributions by appreciating the hard work everyone did.
I respectfully advocated for my needs on this project by asking for help when I needed it.
Internet safety is important because we need to protect ourselves from people online that want to cause harm to others. Some examples of negative activity are scamming, phishing, hacking and online bullying. There are ways to keep safe like not giving personal information, be careful who you talk to online and log off computers when you are done.
Work Cited
‘Your Digital Footprint: It’s Bigger Than You Realize’. CNET, Accessed 29 Sept. 2023.
Personal/Social Competency Reflection
Some of the ways I work to build and maintain online relationships are being nice to my friends.
Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced online presence include stop using my computer while doing my home work
My online support network (ex. Teachers’ TEAMS pages, Tech Leadership Edublog, Career Centre web-site,
Library website, Centennial school website, etc) is helpful to me because they help me with my online work.