Mastermind is a game where you have to guess the order of 4 colours. You can put in any order you want, it will tell you if you have the colour in the right spot, or if you have the correct one but in the wrong spot. But it wont tell you which one, you have 10 tries to get it right.
Some strategies that can be used to win the game is rearranging the colours, or switching the order of colours that you think is right.
I think the game uses deductive reasoning due to the fact you have to deduct where and which slot you have to put the colours.
Some of the things I plan to do to stay mentally and physically healthy include. Working out atleast for one hour a day, and studying subjects that I struggle on.
2. My support network includes my friends and family because they are the people I can talk to without struggle.
I can identify my strengths and limits, find internal motivation, and act on opportunities for self-growth by asking for help whenever it is needed and improve on my weaknesses to help with self-growth.
My first year at Centennial was fun, I enjoyed it quite a bit. I liked being introduced to a new system that I’m not used to, even though the year went by really fast I still had some fun. I struggled a bit in some subjects like math, and socials. but I still pushed through, it was a little hard to understand some things at the start of the year. Like the schedule, flex time, and even finding my classrooms, but I eventually got used to all of it. I had a lot of fun this year and I’m looking forward to my grade ten year.
My favorite website right now is YouTube, I like this website due to a couple of things. There’s tons of videos on this website, like videos to entertain you, to scare you, and even videos you can watch to learn about something in school.
My Favorite Video
This is my favourite video because it had good information about the coal mines. And it helped me get through the industrial revolution unit in socials 9.
My Favorite Image
This is my favourite image, this is picture of a nissan s13. I like this picture because it is my favourite car because of its sleek design and its reputation for good drifting.
My Favorite Quote
See everything in it’s entirety… effortlessly.
This quote is a simple way of describing a way to perceive life. Going through day to day life realizing everything you see is perspective, to realize that each and every action, decision, is part of a greater property.
Work Cited
Coal Miners in Industrial Revolution England | 1750s to Present: Unit 3 | World History Project., Accessed 31 May 2023.
I chose the 3 year 4.2% non redeemable GIC because, i thought that it would be the easiest for me to do. And plus we went over the 3 year stuff during class time.
Collaborations and Contributions:
I found working with my group a bit awkward because I didnt know anyone.
I didnt really contribute to the group that much, but I remember the others contributing by doing the work sheet.
I didnt use any other solutions proposed by my group
I would rate my ability to collaborate with my group members a 2 out of 4
Core Competency Reflection:
I can ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener. By asking for help when i need it, and contributing to group discussions by stating my opinion.
If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to, think of something that the whole group could agree on and have no complaints, or disagreements.
Critical and Reflective Thinking:
Others find my feedback useful because, I can give and share new ideas that would possibly help them in any sort of way.
Creative Thinking:
An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is, how learning how to study better and more efficiently
1. My experiences in math before coming into math 9 were decent. I havent really enjoyed or liked it, but as I got older i started to dislike math more. The areas that I mostly struggled in were fractions. Fractions I didnt understand it as much as other math units i’ve done. When it was close to September I was a little bit worried about highschool math, as i knew it was harder then the math i’ve done before. I think from the past experiences, I have a little bit of anxiety around math.
2. Thinking back to the start of class I didn’t do as well as i thought and wanted to do. because i didn’t really have the motovation, to do the stuff i needed to do. One thing i’m proud of in math 9 is getting a better mark, on a quiz than last time. Some areas i could improve in would be my behavior. Which includes Studying harder, and working harder on homework. Something i would do differently to prepare for next quiz, is studying for longer periods, of time.
3. What I would reasonably want my final grade to be is atleast a passing grade. If i’m able to get a passing grade i’ll be happy enough. The behaviors im willing to change to achvive, this goal is making sure I do all my assignments, and when theres an upcoming quiz/test. I’ll make sure to study hard. I don’t really have a plan to hold myself accountable.
How To Protect Your Digital Footprint.” Morgan Stanley, Accessed 3 Oct. 2022.
Protecting Your Online Identity and Reputation (for Teens) – Nemours KidsHealth. Accessed 3 Oct. 2022.
Personal/Social Competency Reflection
I know that my digital footprint can have both positive and negative consequences so I adjust my actions to think about what i post and say online. Respecting copyright rules, and using the internet or research and work responsibly. By using the internet to work with friends i can stay up to date on events and work at school i can also maintain friendships online through callling and texting. I think my experiences as a digital citizen, such as watching and learning about art, and taking interest in gaming shaped my hobbies. Because they inspired me to try new things.