Core Competency Self Assessment


During the Cell Membrane Lab I communicated, listened and shared information with other people to understand questions and curiosities had. I had to ask others to repeat themselves because I would be zoning out mid conversation so I need to work on that for next time as well as my active listening skills so that I can hold a conversation with others on topics where I need to learn.

Social Awareness/Responsibility:

This lab is where we study the diffusion of sucrose, IKI, glucose, and starch. Its a demonstration of my critical think and social awareness due to participating a group. I provided help during question but I should’ve been able to actively listen better so I wasn’t able to attain some knowledge from my classmates which would’ve helped me more with my lab

Inductive/Deductive In Popular Games


Mastermind is a game where you try to guess a sequence of colors without any hints. By using strategies to try a guess your color you can get the correct sequence.

How you play is by pressing on the colors you want and arranging them in a certain order. If you get a color in the correct position there will be a red dot on the side. If you get a color correct but it’s not in the right position there will be a white dot. The only thing is it won’t tell you which color is the right one and you will have to guess.

This game is very deductive due to the fact it is mainly a guessing game. A strategy I using was using the first 4 colors (red, green, blue and yellow) which helped me figure out which colors were correct. There are many deductive strategies you can use for this game.