✨My First Year/2025/Centennial✨

My Grade 9 Year was a tough transition from middle school to high school. The random move to becoming more independent was challenging at the start, but near the end of the semester my time management became stronger and my independence grew. I had to fill in my usual leisure time with homework or studying. At the start of the semester, I dreaded the fact that I would have to spend my time doing homework rather than other things however this important switch of focus helped my get work done. FLEX blocks have engraved a huge reliance in me as I count on those FLEX blocks to help me complete work. I enjoy the choice of being able to decide on courses that aren’t connected with curricular because this gives me something to look for and enjoy throughout the day. When I first came to the Centennial school in Grade 9, I felt like the school was a very complicated maze to navigate through. This was a tough challenge because I had to discover where my 4 blocks are. I mistakenly went to a wrong classroom which was very embarrassing. This helped me realize how important it is to plan out where courses are before hand. Planning ahead is a new skill that I honed to perfection. In order to properly hand in projects before the due date, I would need to decide when I can fit time in my schedule to work/study. This year I enjoyed the freedom of being able to become more independent to the point where homework seems enjoyable. Homework has never been enjoyable before. Some of my strengths is my ability to overcome tough situations. Like incoming tests which I don’t have a strong understanding in (I would study the next day or that night). Some of my stretches are: Being on task during school hours. Some times I goof off with my friends. It’s a bad habit that I’m working on fixing. I am very proud of myself for passing all my courses.

A Useful Educational Website


Math has been a tough class/course as I have been having homework nearly every day even though I get much done during school hours. FLEX has helped on occasions however, when I need more practice or help, I can try IXL questions that also tell me how to properly solve the equation if I were to get the equation incorrect. IXL can help me understand the curricular in the next few grades which can help me a ton. Overall, I recommend IXL to anyone who is struggling in math or to whoever wants to get ahead of the curricular assigned in their current grade. IXL also offers sciences which can boost not only your math capability but also your science capability. Sadly, IXL isn’t free, you must pay a membership fee to sign up.

A Useful Educational Video

A Useful Educational Image

This map of Canada represents my projects on Geography. In Socials, we were allowed to choose a town in Canada and list the climate, terrain and the culture there. It was a big project that allowed me to learn more about towns on the other side of where I live in this country. The town I chose was Montreal. Something that I found out was that the reason why it gets cold at around winter season is because of the cold artic are that gets blown to us. Very fascinating once I found out this fact since I have been wondering why.

A Useful Educational Quote

“Success doesn’t come to you, you’ve got to go to it” This is a useful quote because to be successful, you can’t wait for it to come around; you must work for it and earn it. This was my motivation to do my best in all my courses these semesters.

Works Cited

“5 Motivational Quotes to Inspire Every Aspirant.” Lakshya, 25 Apr. 2019, https://www.lakshyainstitute.com/5-motivational-quotes-to-inspire-every-aspirant/.“5 Motivational

Cool Text Fonts (𝓬𝓸𝓹𝔂 🅰🅽🅳 𝖕𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊) ― LingoJam. https://lingojam.com/CoolTextFonts. Accessed 20 Jan. 2025.

Encyclopedia Britannica | Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/. Accessed 20 Jan. 2025.

YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/. Accessed 20 Jan. 2025.

“IXL | Math, English Language Arts and Science Practice.” IXL Learning, https://ca.ixl.com. Accessed 20 Jan. 2025.


How does the story of Spiderman (Western) differ from Supaidaman (Japanese)?

The Western style of Spiderman differs from the Japanese style Spiderman one main reason.

The Origin/Backstory. Western style Spiderman has the main character Peter Parker. He/Peter Parker gains his powers from being bitten by a radioactive spider. Peter Parker used his powers for his selfish needs. After Peter Parker failed to catch a criminal, that criminal shot and killed his Uncle Ben. Peter then learns a valuable lesson: “With great power comes with responsibility.”. Japanese style Spiderman backstory: Supaidaman gets his power from Garcia who put “Spider extract” into him. An Alien, representing the Iron Cross Army kills Supaidaman’s father. Supaidaman now has the courage to fight off the Iron Cross Army. Supaidaman has access to a alien robot. We have not seen this in western style Spiderman. The most likely reason for this is because of Japanese culture. Robots and magical powers are common in manga/comic books, anime, movies, toys and amusement parks in Japan.

Were there moments that made you laugh, cry, or feel particularly invested?

There were moments in the Supaidaman movie where they would use a variety of poses to transform into Spider-man/Supaidaman. Since the quality of the movies was not so great, I could not take the transformation process seriously. My reaction was laughter. Since I grew up with Transformers, Power Rangers and Manga, I was able to find connections from the film. The plot had similarities. For example: The story had a Villain and a Hero, The whole world is at stake, etc. I was able to make personal connections that helped me grow an interest in the film, Supaidaman.

Would you recommend this show to others? Why or why not?

I would recommend it to someone who has the same interests as me. If I had to recommend this show to someone, I would select someone who: Enjoys the concept of Heroes vs Villains and is in the 11-5 age range. *Note, anybody can enjoy Supaidaman as much as I do, even though they might not fit the qualities in my list.* The reason why I choose “Enjoys the idea of Heroes/Villains” is because the whole story revolves around Heroes and Villains. If the person I was recommending it to wasn’t interested on the topic “hero” or “villain”, it wouldn’t create a strong interest to them. People may not like Supaidaman because of the outdated graphics quality. I would recommend this film to others because I want them to experience the laughter that I did.

What do you think future generations will think about our media?

I think that future generations will react to the film as most people would today. When it comes to old ancient films, the quality is outdated therefor making it unimaginably difficult to look at and unrealistic. When it comes down to the growth of technology, people tend to get the best and toss the rest. New technology comes in and old technology comes flying right out and being forgotten. I think that future generations will abandon old films because of how outdated they are.

R3-School Life

In Japanese schools and Canadian schools are very different because of a few things…

  • Japanese schools are cleaned by the students. They clean their classrooms and hallways in their school. Canadian schools like centennial, are cleaned by janitors who are given the task to clean the school.
  • Clubs are mostly ran by students. This creates opportunities such as: Leadership skills, communication and teamwork, independence, Sacrifice your free time, assign tasks to your peers, responsibility, Time management and problem solving. These characteristics can depend on what type of club you have signed up for. If its sports, you can develop PHYSICAL impacts. Like muscle building, reflex training and overall being fit. If its a manga club, you can adapt new knowledge on color variations, Shading and absolutely more that I am not aware of. Clubs have a positive impact on the students because they are able to develop and train new characteristics/abilities/work-habits. From what I have heard from peers, clubs in centennial offer: Student ran clubs, a variety of clubs expanding from robot building/construction to musical choir. These clubs have exactly the same to offer, providing new skills that could be put to good use in the near future.
  • Do I think that students should have more responsibilities at school like cleaning duties? After careful consideration, In my humble opinion I think that providing students with responsibilities at a young age can build up USEFULL skills for when they live by themselves. Like keeping their homes tidy or washing the floors etc. I think that at a young age, students should be told how to clean properly and do it in a timely manor. For sports/clubs, these are more on the fun side. Sometimes to attend clubs, you must stay after school. Having mountains of homework and joining a club is not ideal however, having some sense of joy throughout the day is what keeps MY spirits up. This may not relate to you which is why I would like to make something clear. Having a hobby is fun right? well than I think that we can agree that joining a club that relates to your hobby could give you some motivation throughout the day. Motivating myself to make it through the day while giving my other classes my 100% effort makes me feel excited to attend the club of my choice. Fortunately, I have a decent amount of homework so I am unable to attend any clubs.
  • じゃんけん Is a fun way to fight for leftovers. However, since じゃんけん is a luck/chance based game I am unable to win all the time. When I went to a Japanese school, I did not play じゃんけん for leftovers because I was not a fan of the meal and I felt good that I was able to finish what I was given. I would much rather a student win the leftovers that enjoys the meal, rather than me who did not enjoy it as much. In Japanese schools, wasting food is a no-go. So I ate my meals and only played じゃんけん for the milk.

Did you know? Japanese schools do not have recess! Well at centennial we do not either but on the other hand I am 99.9% positive that at your old school you had recess.

ADL Persuasion and Advertisement Project

My Advertisement

Persuasion and Advertising Reflection

A) An advertising technique I used was the Special offer. I used this technique by adding signs that said, “Free shipping” and “30% off”.

B) I used bright/neon colors in my advertisement because it looks eye catching and pleasant to look at.

C) Somethings that others should know about advertising is that to get consumers, you need to grab their attention by using bright and deals/offers to gain active consumers.

Core Competency Reflection

An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is… When I saw that they had a very catchy name for the product that they were advertising. I decided to add a catchy name to my advertisement.

Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are… Using bright colors to attract a bigger crowd of people.

ADL Social Studies- Ethical judgement


Is Violence Justified During a Revolution?

A) How did the use of AI assist you in developing this project 

AI assisted me in this project by providing me information specifically on the cons of violence being used in a protest or revolution and the end results. I gather the information from co-pilot and cited the sources from co-pilot. I put the information into my words.

B) How did you ensure that the work you created was still your own, rather than just a product of the AI 

I rephrased the information that co-pilot gave me and I made sure to cite the sources that co-pilot was using.

C) Did you agree with the position you had to argue? Why or why not? 

I agree with the position I was defending because violence should never be okay to use as a form of being able to be heard. I can understand and feel how the pros for violence could be okay and how they are some what understandable but, I understand the cons more than the pros.

Core Competency Reflection

When I need to work collaboratively with people who I do not know well I… introduce myself and decide on roles and how to split the work up evenly. I provide my knowledge to my peer if the information is required for the assignment. If my peer does not understand the assignment I can tell them the instructions on how to be successful. I stay on task leading to productive, detailed and hard working looking work. If my peer refuses to get the work done in time and does not do their part, I inform the teacher about what is going on.

Examples of when I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen when… I list all the cons on the subject ‘Is violence ever justified during a revolution or protest.’ I clearly state the reasons why violence is not justified and I state my opinion on how we should protest. I state facts and statistics on how non-violent protests work better than violent protests.


I picked the kitsune. I picked the kitsune because it was cool that it had multiple tails. What is a kitsune? a kitsune translated into English is fox. Kitsunes live close to humans. This made plenty of Japanese folktales about the kitsune, almost all stories being positive. The fox told from Japanese folktale is only a little different then a regular fox. They look the same at birth but as the kitsune grows, its appearance changes. I think that western type monsters and Japanese type monsters are different because the Japanese style monsters have more of a background and history to it. Also depending on where you live in Japan, there are different common/ well known monsters there. Western type monsters like ghosts are not as scary as the Japanese monsters as the Japanese monsters have clearly explained facts on their personality. As much as I would love these creatures, I do not think they exist as they have little to none evidence on their existence.

Sources: “What Is a Kitsune: Japan’s Amazing Shape-Shifting Trickster! – Sakuraco.” Sakuraco | Japanese Snacks & Candy Subscription Box, https://sakura.co/blog/what-is-a-kitsune-japans-shapeshifter. Accessed 16 Oct. 2024.

Digital Footprint

What is a Digital Footprint? A Digital Footprint is a history of all the things you have visited or have done online. For example: Sending an email, Sending a text, visiting a website, playing video games, etc. It is like walking in different colors of mud bare foot. A Digital Footprint can be used to track someone’s online activities. Anyone who uses the internet will create a Digital Footprint either actively or passively. How can a Digital Footprint grow? It grows whenever you like a post on Youtube, Leaving an online review or shopping online. Sometimes it’s not clear when your data is being tracked, Some websites can track your activity by downloading cookies on your device and apps. They can collect your data without you realizing it. They could sell your or share your data. You may have heard the terms active and passive Digital Footprints. Here is what they mean: Active Digital Footprints is where the user purposely shared their information about themselves. Examples: Posting on a social media platform, Logging into a website, subscribing to a newsletter, etc. A passive Digital Footprint is made when information is collected on the user without the user being aware of the situation. For example, this happens when a website collects information on how many times a user visits, where they come from and their IP address. This process is hidden from the user, which the user may not realize what is going on. Why do Digital Footprints matter?

  • They matter because the damage caused is somewhat permanent, once the data is public, the owner has little control on how others will use this data.
  • A Digital Footprint can determine a persons digital image/character, which is now as important as their offline image/character.
  • Digital Footprints are very important because when an employer is looking at a potential employee, their Digital Footprints can be revealed. Giving the employer an idea on how this future employee will behave and his work habits. Universities can also check the students Digital Footprint before accepting them.
  • Words and photos that you post online can be taken differently by others or changed, causing unintentional offense,
  • Content meant for a private group can be spread to a larger group of people, putting relationships and friendships at risk.
  • Cybercriminals can take advantage of your Digital Footprint. Using it for things like phishing for account access or making fake identities based off your data.

It is worth taking into account on what your digital footprint says about you. Many people try to stay safe online by managing the websites that they visit.

Digital Footprint examples:

  • Online shopping
  • Online banking
  • Social media
  • Reading the news
  • Health and fitness

Protect your digital footprint because employers and others can look up your online reputation. It is a good idea to be aware of your digital footprint.

Works Cited

Canada, Communications Security Establishment. “Digital Footprint (ITSAP.00.133).” Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, 12 Jan. 2022, https://www.cyber.gc.ca/en/guidance/digital-footprint-itsap00133#a1.

“What Is a Digital Footprint?” /, 20 Sept. 2021, https://www.kaspersky.com/resource-center/definitions/what-is-a-digital-footprint.

What Is a Digital Footprint? | IBM. 7 Aug. 2023, https://www.ibm.com/topics/digital-footprint.

Personal/Social Competency Reflection

  • Some of the ways I work to build and maintain online relationships are talking to friends on discord, snapchat and playing video games with them.
  • My strengths as a digital citizen include being safe online, being able to research efficiently, source knowledge and how to use teams properly. They contribute to my classroom because I can share my knowledge with my peers.
  • My experience as a digital citizen has influenced my choice of hobbies because I am able to access the online library to see all the hobbies out there.

R1: Independent children

Are children able to run errands and become independent by the age of 2? In Japan kids are running errands, taking the train to school and doing chores around the house at the age of 2. Now you might be wondering why? Japanese families do this to train kids so they can become more reliable, making them independent/able to do things on their own. Japanese parents give their children a shot to run errands on a show called Hajimete no Otsukai on Netflix. We need our future adults to be independent. I started to do chores by the age of 7-10. The chores I did was not anything out of the ordinary. I folded my laundry, Washed the dishes and put it into the dishwasher, took the dishes out of the dishwasher, cleaned my room, put my folded laundry away, throw out the garbage, sometimes help make dinner/lunch/breakfast and feed a cat (Not anymore.).I think that all children should be able to get a shot to becoming independent. It is a great skill to learn and can be benefited on heavily. I started to use transit by myself when I was 12. I had to go to school by myself because my parents were working. I decided to catch the bus since it was free for 12 and under. It was a nice experience, going on a bus by myself. Now i am able to use the bus properly and get off at the stop I need. This generation is becoming more reliant on technology and parents. If parents and technology vanished from earth, many children and teenagers would struggle to provide for themselves. I am not necessarily saying that children need to become independent by the age of 2 nor Japanese parents are preparing for this (All technology and parents vanishing is highly unlikely, more so impossible.) but its a good example on where we are at. Recent studies has shown that the older generation (Baby boomers born in 1946-1964 and Gen X born in 1965-1980) is more independent and studious than our current generation right now (Generation alpha born from 2010 and going on.).Technology is shortening our attention span. When we are not interested in a video we just swipe away. Therefor We have no patience to watch through the whole video. Technology/ social media is over loading our brain with information so we start to forget important things and replacing it with useless information about a video you saw on Youtube Shorts on a Sunday afternoon. We tend to get lazy when we have our phones next to us. When you want to become independent we have to prioritize first. Kids in Japan need to stay focused to complete the jobs they were assigned. Like the grocery shopping task or taking the sky train home from school. Once these independent children get older they can provide for themselves and get a small picture on their future lifestyle and survive in the near future. A reason why some parents are afraid to let their children walk home is because of other people around them. We may be able to trust children but sometimes there are some dangerous people around your child. In your area it may be dangerous for your child to be walking to school. Like kidnappings. Japanese kids are able to walk to school and do grocery shopping is because of the people looking out for the kid. Japanese kids are able to ask somebody for guidance and will most likely get the directions they need. The Japanese citizens are looking out for the children by themselves. Japan has a very low crime rate. To sum up all the things being said, being independent means you need permission from parents, if it is safe to do so and if YOU want to be doing things on your own from now on.

My sources: https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20220218-are-younger-generations-truly-weaker-than-older-ones

Second source: https://www.nivati.com/blog/neuroscience-what-social-media-does-to-your-brain#:~:text=Research%20has%20found%20that%20social,feelings%20of%20overwhelm%20and%20stress.

Thank you for reading my paragraph on Independent children.