Nutrition Reflection

Nutrition Reflection

a. what are two things that surprised you?

Two things that surprised me after completing the Daily Tracker Log, I learned that on school week I always drink the same amount of the same drink every day. Looking at this makes me consider, do I not get bored of just drinking the same thing every day. The daily log shows how I do not consume much juice or pop, which surprised me. On weekends I do get Starbucks sometimes.

b. What are your strengths?

The Daily Log shows that I have a constant time to sleep and the time to wake up at. I sleep from 12am-7am, as a student this is not bad, but sleeping for 8 or 9 hours is recommended. Weekend time or completely different on how exhausted I am.

c. What are areas that you can improve upon?

Area that needs improvement is to do a little more in physical activities. There are activities outside of school that I participate in, but when it comes to school days, I do not do physical activities. Walking around the school to get to class may be the most exercise that is being done.

d. What did you notice when you compared your nutrition weekdays to weekends?

Something I noticed compared the weekdays to weekends is that on weekends I do not have lunch. Since weekends I do not have to force myself to wake up early, the time I eat will be brunch for me. On weekdays, I have a proper 3-day meal every day. Breakfast may not have as much nutrition, but I consume more nutrients during lunch and dinner.

e. How much sleep do you get? Please differentiate between school nights and weekends. Include any reason you do not get much sleep. (i.e. – addicted to video games, last minute studying etc.)

For school night, I sleep around 12am to 7am. It is around 7 hours of sleep, it is not bad, but 8 or 9 hours of sleep is highly recommended. The reason for me sleeping this late is because I decided to do my work late and most of the time I would be on my phone. later realizing how long time has passed while scrolling through my phone.

Core Competency Reflection

In this unit I learned how many types of diets there are. There were many diets I have never heard about, but this unit showed me, taught me different diets and the importance of nutrition. We have also watched a documentary called Game Changers. This documentary is about a former UFC fighter, James Wilks, who is finding a way to recover quicker, travels the world, and talks about athletes who follow a plant-based diet. The film explains the benefits of a plant-based diet.

Core Competency I demonstrated during this unit is Communication. I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. In the lesson about the diets, we were in a group and shared to the class of types of diets each group chose. My group chose vegetarian and discussed the diet with each of us researching to gather information.

Collaboration, I encourage others to share their voices and value diverse perspectives. In our group in the diet lesson, I asked all my group about what they think about the diet. To work together as a group and to see a different point of view on the topic.

Critical & Reflective Thinking. I can analyze evidence to make judgement. We are searching for information online that was gathered for the diet we are searching for ways to answer questions given and had to make judgement for the information we got. some questions were about if a vegetarian diet is a good option? The result of researching about the diet we learned that following a vegetarian diet has many beneficial health properties.

Creative Writing 10 Reflection

In this course, I learned a lot in my poetry analysis. Poetry was a difficult subject for me because identifying the literary device was not as easy as I expected it to be, and there were lots of places for improvements. This unit helped a lot in my writing, avoiding using first person, giving me understanding of transitions words and editing my work. I was surprised at how much I improved, and I would like to keep this work up.

Favourite Recipe

Thin Crust Pizza

Making and Sharing Reflection

Making: The progress of making thin pizza crust. we made the dough the day before baking the pizza because yeast was used, and we needed to wait for it to rise for about 24 hours or more. The next day we spread the dough as the big and the small jellyroll pan. We cut some vegetables up for toppings. Once the veggies were all cut up, I added the topping with pizza sauce, cheese, onions, bell pepper, spinach, ham, and olives. Into the oven it goes, and the results are the image above. It was later cut into eight pieces.

Sharing: I Shared this food with my mom, and my little sister because they were here by the time I came back home. I also shared it because it was delicious, an unforgettable taste, and an amazing food that is best to share. I could not stop eating it but since I wanted to share it with my family, I stopped myself from eating most of it. There were eight pieces and since it was at the end of school, I was hungry, and I ate about three slices or four. The rest were shared with my family.

Core Competncy Reflection

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include… My strategies for collecting information for specific tasks like my recipe duotang is to listen to the teacher when she is going over the recipe, ask the teacher some questions on the back of the recipe, and make sure to fill them up. They can also help provide relevant information for Food Folios on what to write.

I know the group is working well together when I hear/ see… I know when the group is working well together when I check the time, and we finish cleaning up on time. I also know when our group is communicating with each other about the recipe, making sure who roles are who.

When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I… I would introduce myself to others and get to know them before working together. If I was the leader of the group who would speak to get work done, then I would involve everyone in the topic we are talking about. suggesting if they have other ideas and work step by step together everyone included.

I show that I value feedback from others in my group by… My goal is to get feedback from others. Especially when I did the dinner home lab it would have been better to ask for feedback from my family on how the food tasted. To understand what went wrong that made it taste bad or that it went according to the recipe. It can be helpful information on what I can write on my reflections and important because I can improve on my mistakes.

Career Project

Career Life Project Presentation

Curricular Reflection

My career-life goal is to graduate high school and get into Vancouver Community College’s hairstylist apprenticeship program. To lead to success as a hairstylist, I would like to get a Red Seal certificate to work around the world. My personal growth is to keep up with time for my assignment. Scheduling and managing time for things well and clearly. It would help me later in the future, if I became a hairstylist I would need to manage my time with appointments with customers. My initial plan for my career pathway is to join many programs relating to hairstylists in grade 11 or 12 to get an experience earlier. Joining programs can help me lead a step closer to becoming a hairstylist.

Core Competency Reflection

I can identify my strengths and limits, find internal motivation, and act on opportunities for self-growth. I take responsibility for making ethical decisions.
Doing research depends on my strength or what will work out for me. Like, I looked at jobs, especially in trades because I prefer working with my hand, rather than my brain.

I understand how my values shape my choices. I learned that it is best to look for a job, which is your passion or values. I chose hairstylist as my career because hair is something important and to feel happy about.

I can ask questions and consider options. I can use my observations, experience, and imagination to draw conclusions and make judgments. I demonstrated asking the teacher questions about the detail programs. I can explore and gather information to share accurate material with others.

I can initiate actions that bring me joy and satisfaction and recognize that I play a role in my well-being.

My goal for this, “I can statement,” is to be able to understand that every action will affect something and hope for a satisfactory decision. I push my work aside most of the time which leads to me struggling and stressing about work. I would have to be able to manage my time, reflect on my actions, and make a way for me that can help make me feel better about it and satisfied.

Science Core Competency Self-Assessment

(This artifact is an image of my assignment to check our understanding in synthesis and decompositions)

I am a flexible student and I can demonstrate my understanding by making my own decisions and solving problems. Examples are doing synthesis questions, I can predict the product and balance out the final chemical equation. When I am stuck in a problem, I seek help from the teacher to give more understanding in the lesson and use flex time. By asking for help it can help me in various ways to provide an answer and to balance an answer.

My Grade 10 Core Competency Goals

Goal 1: Some of the preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle includes not staying up too late. I avoid going on my phone at night since it is addicting and forget about the time. It helps to get more sleep and have energy in the morning. It is best to come to school awaken and to keep your routine similar every day to have a balanced lifestyle. that is some strategies to maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Goal 2: I want to improve in being able to participate in class conversations. I am not brave enough to speak in front of the class and afraid if I said something wrong. So, I would like to improve in participating in class little by little without forcing myself too much. I will do that by participating in things that I know.

Math 9 Foundations Self Assessment

My progress in this course was how I was able to grow more into Polynomials. I learned a little about polynomials in middle school and I was able to understand more in combining like terms. specifically adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing the like terms.

My personal goals this year are coming into flex and asking questions for the ones I was confused with. I have met my goals and led to success in this course. I have used my time wisely and finished/handing in my assignment and homework on time.

My experience on this course felt like it went by fast. but I have enjoyed my experience in math.

Food Studies Core Competency Self-Assesment

The cookies in the picture are marshmallow cookies. The cookies were supposed to look like a swirl, but it did not work out because my group and I were also confused on how to make it a swirl. On the recipe it asks for to indent the cookie dough and add marshmallow fluff, but it did not swirl how we wanted it. After we realized it was better to add a draw out the swirl with the marshmallow fluff on the cookie. Next time I make this cookie again it would be fun to draw patterns on the cookie dough with marshmallow fluff. It might not look good, but the flavor of the chocolate and marshmallow combination is delicious.

I can collaborate by working together with my group and giving each other roles to lead to success. We split roles with people to do the card and the cookies. I can communicate with my group by sharing opinion about our ideas. It was hard to decide on the cookies we wanted to make and by communicating with my group we gave each other opinions about the cookies and decided which one is better.

Arts and Craft 9

I can build on others’ ideas and add new ideas of my own or combine others’ ideas in new ways to create new things or solve straightforward problems.

I have developed in this competency by combining ideas in the work I have made. In this project I have made a duck with a bow. Originally It was just a duck, it was plain and boring. So, I have decided to add an accessory and I have chosen a bow. Scrolling through ideas of others on internet gave me inspiration to something better than before.  I can build on other ideas and make it my own.  Combining innovative ideas helps in change a plain boring thing into something new.  

My First Year

This year I enjoyed coming to school in an unfamiliar environment as a grade 9. I have met new people and become friends with people in different classes. It was weird to transition to high school with only four subjects every day in the same class for the semester, but the schedule is much easier to remember. Having flex time and cent time helped a lot in using my time to complete the assignments. I also enjoyed playing on the volleyball team, the new experience was fun and there are many places for improvement and made me excited that I could become better. This year I realized I learn best by working in an environment where it is quiet with no distraction, so I could get work done and rest more at home. Words that describe my year were stressful but also fun and enjoyable at the same time. It feels like time has gone by so fast, I cannot believe that this is the end of grade 9. It has wanted to come to high was not that long ago.

I have chosen this website because zbib has been the most useful website when work citing in projects. It is easier to cite in zbib than citing the link itself.

I chose this video because it has given me a more understanding in the American revolution in class. Social Studies is not my favorite subject, it was confusing at first, but the video helped me give a more understanding and I was able to prepare for the test on the American Revolution.

This poster I made for my digital footprint assignment. I chose this image because it is a poster that tells you steps to be positive and stay safe. It is a useful educational image and that is why I chose this image.

“It’s going to be hard but hard is not impossible”- Anonymous

I chose this quote because it is a motivating quote I have heard many times, and it tells us not to give up in times you want to quit. There will be a time where things get difficult but that does not mean you cannot do it and that is why I chose this quote.

Digital Footprint | AiriK.’s Site. Accessed 27 May 2024.

quotes. ‘Quotes’. Tumblr, Accessed 27 May 2024.

The Cynical Historian. What Caused the American Revolution? 2016. YouTube,

ZoteroBib: Fast, Free Bibliography Generator – MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard Citations. Accessed 23 May 2024.