Nutrition Reflection
a. what are two things that surprised you?
Two things that surprised me after completing the Daily Tracker Log, I learned that on school week I always drink the same amount of the same drink every day. Looking at this makes me consider, do I not get bored of just drinking the same thing every day. The daily log shows how I do not consume much juice or pop, which surprised me. On weekends I do get Starbucks sometimes.
b. What are your strengths?
The Daily Log shows that I have a constant time to sleep and the time to wake up at. I sleep from 12am-7am, as a student this is not bad, but sleeping for 8 or 9 hours is recommended. Weekend time or completely different on how exhausted I am.
c. What are areas that you can improve upon?
Area that needs improvement is to do a little more in physical activities. There are activities outside of school that I participate in, but when it comes to school days, I do not do physical activities. Walking around the school to get to class may be the most exercise that is being done.
d. What did you notice when you compared your nutrition weekdays to weekends?
Something I noticed compared the weekdays to weekends is that on weekends I do not have lunch. Since weekends I do not have to force myself to wake up early, the time I eat will be brunch for me. On weekdays, I have a proper 3-day meal every day. Breakfast may not have as much nutrition, but I consume more nutrients during lunch and dinner.
e. How much sleep do you get? Please differentiate between school nights and weekends. Include any reason you do not get much sleep. (i.e. – addicted to video games, last minute studying etc.)
For school night, I sleep around 12am to 7am. It is around 7 hours of sleep, it is not bad, but 8 or 9 hours of sleep is highly recommended. The reason for me sleeping this late is because I decided to do my work late and most of the time I would be on my phone. later realizing how long time has passed while scrolling through my phone.
Core Competency Reflection
In this unit I learned how many types of diets there are. There were many diets I have never heard about, but this unit showed me, taught me different diets and the importance of nutrition. We have also watched a documentary called Game Changers. This documentary is about a former UFC fighter, James Wilks, who is finding a way to recover quicker, travels the world, and talks about athletes who follow a plant-based diet. The film explains the benefits of a plant-based diet.
Core Competency I demonstrated during this unit is Communication. I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. In the lesson about the diets, we were in a group and shared to the class of types of diets each group chose. My group chose vegetarian and discussed the diet with each of us researching to gather information.
Collaboration, I encourage others to share their voices and value diverse perspectives. In our group in the diet lesson, I asked all my group about what they think about the diet. To work together as a group and to see a different point of view on the topic.
Critical & Reflective Thinking. I can analyze evidence to make judgement. We are searching for information online that was gathered for the diet we are searching for ways to answer questions given and had to make judgement for the information we got. some questions were about if a vegetarian diet is a good option? The result of researching about the diet we learned that following a vegetarian diet has many beneficial health properties.