Science Core Competency Self-Assessment

(This artifact is an image of my assignment to check our understanding in synthesis and decompositions)

I am a flexible student and I can demonstrate my understanding by making my own decisions and solving problems. Examples are doing synthesis questions, I can predict the product and balance out the final chemical equation. When I am stuck in a problem, I seek help from the teacher to give more understanding in the lesson and use flex time. By asking for help it can help me in various ways to provide an answer and to balance an answer.

Core Competency Self-Assesment: Food Studies

This is a pizza I made using a cast iron pan. I have tomato sauce with mozzarella cheese, mushroom, and red bell pepper.

This is the cast iron skillet pizza I made in the course. I am proud of how the pizza turned out because I had to do it alone, which was overwhelming, but it was good. I learned to prepare everything before putting it in the pan. example cutting the vegetable before putting the dough on the pan. I had to watch the dough, so it would not burn while cutting the vegetables. In the end it turned out well, but there is still room for improvement. I have demonstrated critical and reflective thinking skills by making judgements in the lab. Deciding if the pizza dough was ready or not to add the toppings. I can reflect on my thinking on what I can do better next time.

Textiles Core Competency Self-assesment


My Artifact: A zip-up hoodie

I demonstrated my critical and reflective thinking during this project, when I had to figure something I can do to fix my hole. I made a hole with the serger and It is cover by the white stripe line in the middle. I am proud of the end result and I think it looks better after fixing my mistake.