“Password: MURDER: The Movie”

My Movie

Plot, Character, Setting and Mood

How I figured out how the avatar was going to look like. There was no description of the character, both protagonist and antagonist. It only told the age of the character. I made the character’s avatar to look like how I think the character will look. I had a challenging time in making the avatar for the character.

How I choose the plot point of the story. I choose the plot point by understanding the word. Knowing that this part of the book was a good plot point and that will make people hook on with the book.

How I figured out the setting in the story. Why is the setting significant to the story? I figured out what the setting is by picking the place they were mostly at in the story. In the story I figured out that the time in the story is in present America because they said in the story that this character named C.J. was riding a BMW car.

What does the word mood mean and how/why I picked the song? I word mood means about a feeling or how people feel. I chose the song because the book was about mystery and thriller. The song sounded like perfect background music for the book I was going to talk about.

Core Competency Reflection

An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is when I took advice from my friend. I looked at people’s presentations to see some things I can add and change. Mixing people’s ideas and change it to how I would like it to be or by following the criteria as much as I can.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I relax a little bit too clear of my mind that is distracting me and sometimes I listen to music to boost my mood. But that is when I have my earbuds/Air pods with me. Listening to music is good for both, boosting up my mood and refocusing because we all love to listen to music.

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in the criteria. I looked over the criteria to make sure what decisions I should make and follow.