Scientific Method Self Assessment

This picture is a newpaper tower with a golf ball on top it is 7″5″.

The picture here is the device my group made for the egg drop lab.

Curricular Response

Building the tower and the egg drop device was helpful because we went through all the steps in the scientific method. Such as we first identified the problem and then we created a hypothesis which we got to learn in detail so that we can fully understand. Then we designed the experiment, organized the data and then the conclusion. My first golf tower writing was terrible as soon as I understood, I improved in my next writing. So doing the egg drop experiment helped me understand the steps, how to create a hypothesis, and the differences between the manipulated variable and the response variable.

Core Competency Self Assessment and Creative Thinking

I am most proud of my golf tower because I could not
believe that the tower my partner and I made it, and it went to 7″5″.
In our little practice before the actual day to build, our tower was not as high,
and it was unstable. My partner and I only had little talk to what we should change,
and we made the tower high. It was also stable, but we gave up after we made it

Strategies I used to build the tower was to roll the
newspaper big that it could hold the golf ball and extra supporter beam. The
supported beam was three in practice testing on the challenge day we made it four.
The strategy I used for the egg dropper device was add the leftover materials
in the egg device to make it as a cushion. But the egg ended up cracked.

I enjoyed my experience, and I would like to do more labs.
It was fun to build and see if the egg would not crack. I did not like the
writing part, but I can see how much I improved in my understanding. But doing
this with friends is fun and to see if my hypothesis is right or not is

A) I demonstrated that I could create new things when I was
building the tower and the egg device. I demonstrated it because my partner and
I thought of innovative ideas and tried different methods of making the tower
or the egg device. I also looked around, got inspiration, I put it together,
and got an idea. It helped a lot.

B) I demonstrated that I could build on the ideas of others
when I looked around for inspiration and people made their newspaper rolls big
that will hold the golf ball, and I made our newspaper roll bigger. My partner
and I found ideas that would work the best for us. For the egg drop we did not
get ideas from other. One of my partners made and evaluated it at home but the
height of the drop was different. it ended up cracking.

C) When trying new things, I expect setbacks and failure
and use them to develop my ideas. An example of this from the Scientific method
labs would be when my group and I made an egg dropper device, which ended
up cracking. in the golf tower practice build or tower was not stable enough
and that we could make it that tall. On the challenge day I learned from my
mistake and made the changed tower. Example like the newspaper rolls were too
skinny that they could not hold and so we changed the rolls bigger.