Career Project

Career Life Project Presentation

Curricular Reflection

My career of choice is to become an oceanographer, with my goals being discovering new species, organisms, or biomes within the ocean floors. The ocean covers up 70.8% of the Earth’s surface, and only around 5% has been explored. It is said approximately 242,000 different species are in the ocean, and overall, the ocean is filled with unknown, and risks. My first plan into achieving my career path will be gaining micro-experiences, whether from interacting with experts, volunteering or participating with projects, etc. Doing such allows me to get more information on the job and get to know about it earlier on. More initial planning include taking the oceanography course as my major in post-secondary, make researches myself, and more.

Core Competency Reflection

I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself. I chose this because I am capable and often show my enthusiasm within my chosen occupation. I feel joy towards working my goal.

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. I chose this because I find different ways to understand information given and I am able to share what I found. I chose a topic of my interest and researched different topics within to share the best information and with enthusiasm.

I can ask open-ended questions to gather information. I chose this because I can ask questions towards experts, or teachers to gather information. I often ask questions or bring up debates to gather thoughts, and get more information for my own research and understandings.

I can reflect on my thinking. I chose this because I often use information I found online to support my thinking, and determine the wrong or right of my thinking.

I find it easy to be part of a group. This is a goal I am working on going forward. I’m not able to fully share my thoughts or opinions in a group, often due to many reasons. This is an essential skill for my occupation as I’d need to work with many people in different areas, as well as share my information discovered to many. I plan on trying to open up in groups, whether it’s friends or strangers, and start debates or conversations going forwards to achieve this skill.

Core competencies reflection math 10



If I become sad, angry or frustrated, doing homework or having troubles solving the math problems, I will plan to listen to music, take a short brain break, or eat food to help me be more productive or calm.There are certain times where the problem I’m having troubles with really gets into me, and the more I try and see it’s wrong, I’d be filled with disappointment and eventually anger.In order to resolve that, I’d take a short break and listen to some music, then come back and try again. I also ask for help from peers and teachers when needed.

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way.Whenever I’m doing math, I’m always able to fluently show my work in my own way or words, and in an understandable way. I can convert what I learn from my teacher and turn them into my own into different ways for me to understand myself and for others to understand, clean and organized.

Arithmetic Sequences this unit really got me thinking, the problems are complicated, and many stuff is included within. Relating to my first and second paragraph of reflection. I had lots of troubles with this lesson, but I worked through them slowly in my own way.

Workplace Behaviour Midterm

What are some examples of positive attributes I have demonstrated so far this term?

Throughout the course, I’ve already demonstrated lots of positive attributes that have supported me. However, the one that I’ve shown to it’s best would be putting in as much effort and ideas I can into my projects and assignments. I would always try and go beyond the requirements for our assignments given and/or add in designs that’ll make my project look more appealing. My grades are a good reflection and proof of that attribute.

What are some areas that I will require more focus to achieve better results in the future?

An area that I have to work on would be handing my work in on time. As most of the times, I’d exceed the due dates. My procrastination really sets me off sometimes, even if I am putting in lots of effort, exceeding due dates would only bring me down. So I’ll start to focus on handing in work on time, even if I’m not present. To achieve this, I will set reminders throughout the days and schedule extra time for me to complete my work.

What have I learned so far that I feel is important to my future?

There were many things I believe were really important for my future. However, the ones that stand out to me and the one I feel are the biggest factors for my future would be learning to write resumes, cover letters, and the mock interview. The simulation was really helpful to me as I can get an early view on how interviews are like, and how they feel. From the conclusions of the simulation, I also got to know more things I can improve on, also the things I’ve done well on. Which will contribute lots to my future, as I will know exactly what to do, and what to expect.

ADL Social Studies- Ethical Judgement



A) The use of AI allowed me to explore and get results where many useful information is shown, and explained in understandable phrases. It gave me a lot of unexpected and useful based on whatever I asked. Sometimes it could be off-task, but it’s overall a helpful tool when finding something difficult.

B) I rephrased, and double checked everything the AI gave me, as it could have errors on certain things. Sometimes the AI uses certain words that is hard to understand, I try to simplify whenever that happens, allowing me, and many to understand easier.

C) I agree with my position of this project. I do agree violence is needed and justified during a revolution or protest, as without it, taking overall control of the crowd would be extremely difficult. Violence makes many vulnerable for a certain time, which is a good timing to take over.

Core Competency Reflection

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this project. I spend lots of time researching and fact-checking my information given, then make judgements, and opinions based on them. As demonstrated, I don’t copy the exact wordings of the AI, instead simplifying, shortening and rephrasing them to a good point for me to understand.

One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to constantly send reminders. When paired with friends, I get off-task quite often, although I’d realize after a bit then send out reminders to myself, and my friend, getting back on track. Lots of communication is required for this project, which means if off-task, could waste many time and chances.

My First Year

My Grade 9 Year

My first year in high school has been very interesting and fun. I’ve learned many new things, made many friends, and made many achievements. Highschool really differs from middle school, many things I’ve had to adapt to, and learn. This year, I really enjoyed making new friends, whether from classes, athletics, etc. They’ve brought lots of joy to my year, and they’d always hype me up. I’ve also enjoyed the badminton season with my friends in the junior team. I’ve improved a lot on skills, mindset, and movements. I also got chances to play games against other schools in the district, which I’ve never done in badminton. Even if the win rates of my games were quite low, it was still fun as I got to learn stuff from my opponents. I’ve also started learning my 3rd language, which is Japanese. My Japanese class was really fun, I’ve made many friends, learned many things, and made assignments that were really fun. I also achieved extending and top student in the class. Which I never would’ve expected. Everything about Highschool has been extremely fun, and I’m really excited to learn new things as the years go on.

A Useful Educational Website

Youtube has been a really helpful tool throughout the year. It allows many people around the world to post, sharing different opinions on certain subjects and things. It also contains many informative videos about nearly every subject. You’d always get expected results on what you search.

A Useful Educational Video

I’ve connected with badminton a lot during school, whether it’s PE class or athletics team. Videos like such has helped me a lot with improving certain skills, and fixing my problems. It also talks about little details that you wouldn’t normally notice, but if changed, could help a lot with gameplay.

A Useful Educational Image

Kahoot has been really helpful, it appears super often in my classes, such as socials, math, etc. It allows me to memorize stuff much easier, and faster. I also like how it allows competing between classmates.

An Inspirational Quote

“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.” Malcolm X

That quote motivates me a lot as days have been super busy for me, with athletics, studies, classes, etc. I’ve had many times where I just got lazy and wanted to skip, but that quote makes me think that every preparation I make today, will later become a skill in the future that is unique to me. It also allows me to think successfully and positively about my future and growing up.

Works Cited

100+ Most Famous Quotes Of All Time (Updated 2024). 9 Jan. 2019,

YouTube. Accessed 16 May 2024.CloseDeleteEdit

BG Badminton Academy. 12 Basic Badminton Techniques That You MUST Know – Introduction. 2019. YouTube,

Budgeting For a Special Day

My friend Isaac, is quite an interesting person, and I believe he deserves this special day. My plan is to bring him to the movies, and watch the new Haikyuu movie that’ll be published sometime in May. After watching the movie, I’ll take him to a restaurant, a unique restaurant that sells interesting stuff that he likes, such as ramen, steak, etc. We could then spend time outside, playing or buying stuff at plazas, and then the rest of the day either playing video games together, or having a sleepover with activities.

Description of PurchaseCostPercentage of BudgetReferences
Movie Ticket$10.99~3.66%
Browser Search
Pho (P1 House Special)$16.955.65%
Visa Giftcard $5016.66%
Grocery Stores
Basic Stussy Hoodie$13043.33%
2 Beef Pizzas$31.9810.66%
Freshslice, Uber Eats
JJK Manga Vol. 20-23
Total Spent= $298.11

Total Percentage= 99.37/100%

Money Leftover= $1.89


3. If I only had $100 rather than $300, things would vary. I’d either keep the same three purchases at top, or replace the gift card with JJK Mangas. As my friend is a big fan of the anime itself. Food will be a must, and so is the movie, it’s a very hyped movie that’ll release in May.

4. If I had $500, it adds a lot more flexibility to my purchase choices and activity choices. $500 is enough for lots of fun activities such as extreme air park, PNE, etc. I also don’t have to worry about going over the budget when making expensive choices as 500 is a big upgrade from 300. I’m able to buy expensive things to give to my friend as I’m also buying food and activities for the day.


I chose my friend Isaac because we’ve been really good friends since grade 6. He’s haven’t had a properly celebrated birthday party yet, with things he wants and likes doing. Which is why I set up this day doing things he told me he liked. We’ve done many things together and played together in the past, he’s brought lots of joy in my middle school times, which is another main reason of why I believe he deserves a day like this. I’d like him to also feel how it’s like having a birthday celebrated with friends, gifts, joy, and laughter. As it only occurs once a year, and sometimes birthdays aren’t even celebrated, I believe when times like that happen, it brings boredom, as well as the feeling of isolation, in another way, sadness.

There were many factors deciding my purchases s. Things such as the other’s interests, budget, prices of goods, and stocks of goods. $300 isn’t the most to work with, I came up with all those purchases mainly based on prices, and the other’s interest. Since it’s a day dedicated to him, I feel the must of making purchases that he likes and wants.

Contract Law Storyboard Reflection

The last page of my storyboard.

Core Competencies

I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself. I add enthusiasm in my work while achieving all the requirements. I try coming up with a plot that’s interesting and doesn’t conflict with any requirements of the story.

I can ask open-ended questions to gather information. I often ask my friends about things I could add or change in order to make my story more interesting. I’d ask for their thoughts on the plot, and just the story overall.

I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. I gather ideas from peers and myself, and use them to create new parts of the story.

Reviewing Unit 1: Integers & Fractions

The part of unit 1 that I am most comfortable with is fractions. Unit one so far is pretty much just a review for middle school math, there isn’t anything that is too complicated or difficult. Fractions are fairly simple to understand and work with.

The most difficult part of unit 1 for me is probably working with groups. I don’t have any troubles with the math that we’re currently working with, but during group times, if not paired with my friends, then I’d be unable to stay active and communicate much.

I usually learn new material best when I listen to music. Music helps me focus and boosts my energy when I’ve lacked sleep for some days. They’re a really helpful learning tool for me. I also tend to make less mistakes when I’m listening to music.

I plan to prepare for the unit test by reviewing certain parts. I’m already confident with most of the math work, and the ways to solve them. Although in some cases, I’d forget about it completely. Therefore, I’ll do some quick reviews during my free times to prepare for the test.

I have already completed all the assigned practice problems.

Tell me what this statement means to you, in reference to math class: “I persevere with challenging tasks and take ownership of my goals, learning and behavior.”: Don’t give up when doing math problems that are really complicated, take time to fully understand it. Also do practices to help you glue that piece of information in your mind. Don’t blame others for when you get off task, or when you get distracted. Taking ownership means that you are responsible for what you do in class.

R1 – Independent Children


I’ve never had any scheduled times for chores since young, it’s always when my mom requests me to, or when I feel like helping. I do chores such as cleaning counters, floors, and tables, organizing stuff, washing dishes, vacuuming, etc. Japanese kids are so independent to the point that I’m unable to tell if whether it’s safe or not. There’s been many cases in Japan, but rarely. The kids basically do everything themselves. Scheduling their own day, and other things. The independence is good, but some could be more than enough. I’ve rarely taken transits myself, only the sky train with friends. I don’t go out to far places frequently, so I’ve rarely taken them. I usually just get driven, sometimes bike, or walk. To summarize, I think the independence the Japanese kids have is good, giving parents time to do their stuff.