Works Cited
Leaving a Digital Footprint. https://www.digitalcitizenship.nsw.edu.au/articles/leaving-a-digital-footprint. Accessed 19 Sept. 2023.
Security, Canadian Centre for Cyber. “Digital Footprint (ITSAP.00.133).” Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, 12 Jan. 2022, https://www.cyber.gc.ca/en/guidance/digital-footprint-itsap00133.
Personal/Social Competency Reflection
Some of the ways I work to build and maintain online relationships are keeping connection. Online relationships are quite hard to build, mostly depending on the person. You have no idea what to do with them and if they’re actually a good, trustworthy person or not. The internet is the place where people hide themselves the best, you’ll never know what kind of person they actually are. Maintaining isn’t as hard as building, but it’s still very difficult. In order to maintain, I’d choose to just keep connections often. But before that, it’s necessary to find out what kind of person you’re dealing with.
By doing things like connecting, playing, making positive comments, etc. I make a positive difference to my peers. Nearly everyone likes to have friends that are kind, positive, and playful. They bring tons of positive energy to you. By having a friend like that, it helps with tons of stuff. Self-image, positivity, and much more.
Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced online presence include being aware of the time you spend online, as well as the activity. Digital Footprint isn’t hard to prevent, if all you do is just spending time on social media, not commenting, liking or actually doing anything online, then it can be prevented. It only occurs because of actions you decide to take, whether if it’s bad or good.
More Info
Internet safety and positivity is super important because many websites tend to keep and sometimes track your information. It could be your personal information, address, activities, etc. When you apply for jobs, the company will usually track if you have any negative behaviors online that will affect the company or you. Most of the times, you wouldn’t be able to find a job if you have had an unpleasant history with online stuff. There’s tons of examples of unsafe and negative activities, including things like posting negative stuff on social medias, whether that’s a post/comment or about me/bio, clicking on phishy websites, and typing in your personal information in unofficial, non-trustworthy websites and apps. You never know how people on internets could be like. Many of cases, or accidents usually start online. Societies everywhere contain people with extremely negative thoughts. They could spend days and night trying to track information about someone, then causing accidents. Although to stay safe, it isn’t as hard as people think. A very simple step is to take breaks from social medias. It’s very efficient compared to it’s difficulty to do, if done right. It’s nearly impossible for you to get tracked online due to the inactivity you’ve shown, people wouldn’t find you interesting. Other ways to keep yourself safe is avoid posting anything negative on social medias. Even direct messages. All those type of behaviors will be added on to your digital footprint. Leading to unsafe events.