Positive Learner Identity

Reflecting on your learning

Reflection - Self-Development | theCompleteMedic

An assignment that I used this strength on was an English unit project. I had to do an ‘essay’ on Indigenous identity. I submitted my assignment and received a C, I was extremely frustrated with my mark so I read the feedback got from my teacher and was able to do a re-write. I reflected on all my mistakes and any points that were missing or unclear and submitted a much better, clear and up to standards response, which I think is worth an A. I used this strength of reflection to better my grade and it has helped me to stay motivated as well.

Core Competency Reflection

I can identify ways in which my strengths can help me meet challenges, and how my challenges can be opportunities for growth.

Being able to see how my strengths can help me with challenges shows how much I’m learning about myself. Challenges might be hard, but if I see them as chances to grow, they can actually make me better. Keep trusting in what I’m good at, and I’ll get through anything that comes my way.

English First Peoples 11 Identity Project: Self Reflection

Identity Unit Final Project.docx

Curricular Response

In my paragraph I feel as though I did an excellent job at providing evidence and formatting my work. I did my research and went back to other sources from the unit and used that as evidence in my written response. I think I can do a better job at gathering and understanding all instructions before handing in my work. I tend to rush myself and hurry the proof reading process of my work which I feel heavily impacts my marks, especially on this assignment. I will be more thorough when it comes to reading all the information on the rubric and assignment summative. I missed a whole section that was necessary in this response, which demonstrates a lack of focus and charge. To improve my writing I will be more attentive and vocal about any struggles I’m facing in class.

Core Competency Self Reflection

Think generally about you and your work: describe what completing assignments is like for you? Easy? Hard? Why is it easy or hard? Or what specific parts are easy or hard? Or what kinds of assignments/work is easier or more enjoyable for you than others? What things outside of a formal school situation do you do that help you succeed in English?

I mean handing in work isn’t hard especially in this class, I feel like we get lots of time to work on assignments. I think for myself, it is challenging to stay focused and quiet in class so I waste the time given to me by teachers. That is obviously my fault, but it’s a challenge I face. I like assignments that I can complete on paper, no specific reason I just find it easier to write things down instead of typing. I also find it hard to separate my personal life and school life so, if I’m dealing with something personal I won’t be able to obtain any information in class, leading to me skipping class. Not saying I have a valid reason to skip class. I don’t. I just think that I need to get my priorities straight and realize not attending class will only make more problems for me. And I have. I’m continuously trying my best in class and on my classwork/ assignments.

Life Saving Measures

The three presentations were extremely informative and insightful. In the first presentation, I learned that people can overdose on nicotine. I didn’t think that was possible. The other two presentations I was able to get an understanding on how I can save someone’s life by using/ carrying a small kit with me. I didn’t realize how “regular” people can save an already dead person without any medical professional being there. I learned how to do CPR at a younger age, so I thought I knew it all but yesterday’s presentation was a huge eye opener to me. I realized I didn’t know all the steps or how to initiate CPR. If I were to be in a situation where I needed to give someone CPR I wouldn’t know that I should check my surroundings, give at least 30 compressions or what pace I should be going. I am extremely grateful that I was able to attend all three presentations, get a better understanding of the dangers of alcohol and drug use, and how to help my peers when a life threatening situation rises.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. 

As challenging as it can be to avoid peer pressure, I think I can say no to a party or drugs. I’ve seen it take the life out of people and how it makes one act or feel isn’t cool or nice to see at all. Seeing a bunch of people all messed up is something I can see is self harm.

Connecting Media and Psychological Disorder Mind Map

The Core Competencies that I used for this assignment were communication, personal and social, as well as thinking. Under those three categories I used communication and collaboration with fellow classmates to receive feedback I think about what I am going to convey and to whom I will convey it to and I inquire into and present on topics of interest and topics related to my studies. I work with others to achieve a goal. I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share. Positive Personal and Cultural Identity, and Personal awareness and Responsibility. I can identify and describe my qualities. I can identify my strengths and identify my potential. I can tell what is important to me and I can explain my values. I imagine and work towards change in myself and in the world. I work to inform myself about issues surrounding me. I recognize my emotions and use strategies to manage them. Critical and Reflective thinking and Creative thinking. I can develop a body of creative work over time. I can persevere over time to develop my ideas, and I expect setbacks and failure, but use that to develop my ideas. I can analyze evidence to make judgements. I can reflect on my thinking. I can analyze my own beliefs and consider views that do not fit with them.