Connecting Media and Psychological Disorder Mind Map

The Core Competencies that I used for this assignment were communication, personal and social, as well as thinking. Under those three categories I used communication and collaboration with fellow classmates to receive feedback I think about what I am going to convey and to whom I will convey it to and I inquire into and present on topics of interest and topics related to my studies. I work with others to achieve a goal. I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share. Positive Personal and Cultural Identity, and Personal awareness and Responsibility. I can identify and describe my qualities. I can identify my strengths and identify my potential. I can tell what is important to me and I can explain my values. I imagine and work towards change in myself and in the world. I work to inform myself about issues surrounding me. I recognize my emotions and use strategies to manage them. Critical and Reflective thinking and Creative thinking. I can develop a body of creative work over time. I can persevere over time to develop my ideas, and I expect setbacks and failure, but use that to develop my ideas. I can analyze evidence to make judgements. I can reflect on my thinking. I can analyze my own beliefs and consider views that do not fit with them.


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