Reflecting on your learning

An assignment that I used this strength on was an English unit project. I had to do an ‘essay’ on Indigenous identity. I submitted my assignment and received a C, I was extremely frustrated with my mark so I read the feedback got from my teacher and was able to do a re-write. I reflected on all my mistakes and any points that were missing or unclear and submitted a much better, clear and up to standards response, which I think is worth an A. I used this strength of reflection to better my grade and it has helped me to stay motivated as well.
Core Competency Reflection
I can identify ways in which my strengths can help me meet challenges, and how my challenges can be opportunities for growth.
Being able to see how my strengths can help me with challenges shows how much I’m learning about myself. Challenges might be hard, but if I see them as chances to grow, they can actually make me better. Keep trusting in what I’m good at, and I’ll get through anything that comes my way.