English First Peoples 11 Identity Project: Self Reflection

Identity Unit Final Project.docx

Curricular Response

In my paragraph I feel as though I did an excellent job at providing evidence and formatting my work. I did my research and went back to other sources from the unit and used that as evidence in my written response. I think I can do a better job at gathering and understanding all instructions before handing in my work. I tend to rush myself and hurry the proof reading process of my work which I feel heavily impacts my marks, especially on this assignment. I will be more thorough when it comes to reading all the information on the rubric and assignment summative. I missed a whole section that was necessary in this response, which demonstrates a lack of focus and charge. To improve my writing I will be more attentive and vocal about any struggles I’m facing in class.

Core Competency Self Reflection

Think generally about you and your work: describe what completing assignments is like for you? Easy? Hard? Why is it easy or hard? Or what specific parts are easy or hard? Or what kinds of assignments/work is easier or more enjoyable for you than others? What things outside of a formal school situation do you do that help you succeed in English?

I mean handing in work isn’t hard especially in this class, I feel like we get lots of time to work on assignments. I think for myself, it is challenging to stay focused and quiet in class so I waste the time given to me by teachers. That is obviously my fault, but it’s a challenge I face. I like assignments that I can complete on paper, no specific reason I just find it easier to write things down instead of typing. I also find it hard to separate my personal life and school life so, if I’m dealing with something personal I won’t be able to obtain any information in class, leading to me skipping class. Not saying I have a valid reason to skip class. I don’t. I just think that I need to get my priorities straight and realize not attending class will only make more problems for me. And I have. I’m continuously trying my best in class and on my classwork/ assignments.