R2 Harajuku Fashion

Alec Chang

What is your opinion on Harajuku fashion? Do you think these styles could be popular in Canada?

I, personally, am not crazy over the Harajuku Fashion mainly because it is quite vibrant and pops out too much. Although I do not feel too comfortable with this style, there are people who do. All that matter is that they enjoy the fashion themselves and are happy while doing it. While these styles may be popular in some areas of Japan, I cannot say for sure if they will be popular in Canada. I have yet to see any fashions of those sorts in Canada. I do think that if enough people in Canada start the trend, it may have a chance in being popular. It really depends on how the Canadians feel about the Harajuku Fashion.

Which type of Harajuku fashion did you like best? Why?

I think if I had to chose a type of Harajuku Fashion, I would probably say the men’s streetwear. Especially the black outfits look pretty good in my opinion. I like this one best because I am not too into the vibrant colors of the other Harajuku Fashion types.

Japan is a country that values conformity, so why is Harajuku so popular amongst the younger generation? 

I think the reason this fashion is most popular amongst the younger generation because of youthful rebellion. The younger generations tend to like to stand out more and find ways to rebel against the older ways or the “ways things have always been done.” I also think that this type of fashion is a way for the younger generation to express themselves. This gives them a time to break away from traditional ways and a chance to be themselves and express themselves.

How important is fashion to you? What influences your fashion?

Fashion is not very important to me, I have often received feedback about things that I wear that “does not seem right.” I do not really care about my outfit that much as I wear pretty much the same thing everyday. My fashion is mostly influenced by my own comfort and if I like the clothes I wear or not.

Do you like your fashion style? Would you like anything to change?

I would say I like my current fashion style and would not like to change anything. This topic of Harajuku fashion has given me more insight on how others may view fashion because I have never really cared about fashion. I do applaud to those who chose to express themselves this way because it looks like it takes some guts and bravery to accomplish this style, and I am really glad they enjoy it.


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