I chose my data sets through the first digits on Instagram reels. This data was collected using the first digits of 100 reels.
In my results, there were much more of the initial digits and much less of the last digits than benford’s law. My data a greater number of 2s, 3s, 4s, and 5s than the calculated probability.
Some reasons why my results would be different than calculated is because I the amount of reels I have taken my data from. The more data that I collect, the more accurate my results will get. I can already see the difference going from the results of 30 reels to 100 reels. We can safely assume that if we collect more data, the closer we would get to the calculated results. In the video watched, the man performs the experiment with 5,150 tiktok videos. His results closely resembled the calculated results. Although there were still a little bit different, we can still see that the more data collected, the closer we get to the calculated results.
We can mainly use benford’s law in calculating financial errors in tax returns etc. but we can also use it to aid us in other scientific or investment purposes to predict results.
Logs are an important aspect and is significant to benford’s law becuase benford’s law deals with exponential growth. Using logs, it helps use graph, predict, and calculate the occurrence of numbers. Benford’s law uses logs to calculate the exponential pattern seen in the occurrence of numbers.