Alec Chang
- How does school in Japan compare to Canada? Is there anything they do in Japan, that you wish we did at Centennial?
- Do you think that students should have more responsibilities at school like cleaning duty? Why?
- How lucky are you in じゃんけん?Would you be able to snag leftovers?
I think Japanese students have more responsibility than us here in Canada. We don’t need to mop floors or have lunch duty and monitor. Although I wished Centennial provided lunch instead of only selling, because I have to spend time in my day to was my lunch and make my lunch, so it is kind of annoying.
I think yes, because after big games, the gyms are always filthy and dirty. If we cleaned the school we wouldn’t have problems with dirty environments. This would also mean that people will have to stay to clean sometimes.
My rock paper skills are terrible and I barely in any of my matches. I will never get leftovers.