My 2022/2023 Year

Personal/social Reflection

My Grade 9 year was an amazing experience. The daily routine was very different from the ones in middle school, there are more people, and most importantly we have more freedom with our time. When I started this year I was nervous. I wanted to take a bunch of classes and meet tons of new people. I was able to do this and made a lot of friends.

This year I learnt many things from my teachers. I ended up trying and liking things I would have never expected myself to like. An example is science. When I decided to do science honors, I did not know what to expect. I did not think I would like the course very much since I had little interest in science when I was in middle school. The more learnt from the class and the more time I spent with my fellow peers, the more I enjoyed the course. This was only one of the many courses I got the privilege to enjoy in my grade 9 year.

I also enjoyed joining volleyball this year because it was my first club while coming to high-school. The experience was very well worth it and it is an event I will not forget.

“Volleyball Québec.”, Accessed 2 June 2023.

Areas to improve


For next year I hope to be able to maintain my grades for all classes over 90. I want to be able have more control over my grade and not constantly chasing after an “at least an A”.

Action plans

To achieve this I hope in using my notebook more often and schedule myself to do all my work on time and be done my homework early rather then finishing things last minute or the night before the assignments are due.


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