EFP 11 -Book Club/Group Work Relfection

Curricular Response

Some challenges I faced include, finding the time to read outside of class, finding the motivation to remain engaged to the book, and understanding some parts of the book. Finding time outside of class was difficult especially because I had a difficult semester and often did not have time to read. Remaining engaged to the book is also tied into understanding parts of the book. Due to some of the parts of the book being slow and confusing, it made it difficult to stay hooked to the book. I overcame these challenges by discussing the events with peers and teachers to gain a better understanding and help with the reading process.

The author’s writing style was at times painfully slow and difficult to understand. However, I do like the way he builds up suspense in the book. Although long, the rising action gave readers something to look forward to, something to try and understand. This authors writing style I do not mind. I think their unique way in building suspense can really intensify the horror the characters feel in the book.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Group Work Skills

1. I worked cooperatively with other members of my group and was willing to help with any task.

I worked well with my group members and was willing to help others as well. I was a bit faster than my peers in reading so I would offer help to catch them up with a summary or help them better understand assignments on the book. I was willing to accept any task they needed help with and guide them through the process.

2. I listened to others’ ideas, considered their points of view and offered constructive suggestions.

I feel like I could have listened to my group member’s ideas a bit more and offer more suggestions. I usually would get an idea of what something meant and I would block out any other ideas that may come my way. I think I can improve on listening to other ideas more, rather than being fixated on my own.

Categories: English First Peoples 11 and Core Competencies

Physics Core Competency Reflection

In labs and the final project, I used all of the core competencies to a certain degree. However, I believe the one I used the most is communication. Since the labs and the final project both require group work, communication is essential to be successful. Without communication for these projects, we would h=not have been able to work together in completing them. More often times than not, we use online platforms to reach out to one another to share the lab data for our labs and discuss who takes on what role in the labs. The final project required us to use a lot of our time outside of class and this required the communication of our time table to see when we are available to either get on call to discuss and work on the project. This is why I think communication was the most essential and best core competency I demonstrated in my example of labs and the final project.

Benford’s Law Logs Assignment

I chose my data sets through the first digits on Instagram reels. This data was collected using the first digits of 100 reels.

In my results, there were much more of the initial digits and much less of the last digits than benford’s law. My data a greater number of 2s, 3s, 4s, and 5s than the calculated probability.

Some reasons why my results would be different than calculated is because I the amount of reels I have taken my data from. The more data that I collect, the more accurate my results will get. I can already see the difference going from the results of 30 reels to 100 reels. We can safely assume that if we collect more data, the closer we would get to the calculated results. In the video watched, the man performs the experiment with 5,150 tiktok videos. His results closely resembled the calculated results. Although there were still a little bit different, we can still see that the more data collected, the closer we get to the calculated results.

We can mainly use benford’s law in calculating financial errors in tax returns etc. but we can also use it to aid us in other scientific or investment purposes to predict results.

Logs are an important aspect and is significant to benford’s law becuase benford’s law deals with exponential growth. Using logs, it helps use graph, predict, and calculate the occurrence of numbers. Benford’s law uses logs to calculate the exponential pattern seen in the occurrence of numbers.

Lab 19c Relfection

The core competency I chose is critical thinking.

Through this photo, I demonstrated the competency critical thinking through observing and analyzing the results of our expirement. In expirement we had to determining which of them showed percipitate. I used used my prior knowledge and new learning to decide which test tubes to heat and calculate the range for the ksp value.

Polynomial Art

Graph 1

f(x) = (x-1)(2x)^(2) (x+2/3)^(3)

x-min: XER

x-max: XER

y-min: y greater than -1.6

y-max: YER

degree of f(x): 6

x-int: 1, 0, -2/3

y-int: 0

Graph 2

g(x) = -(x-1)(2x)^(2) (x-2)

x-min: XER

x-max: XER

y-min: YER

y-max: y is less than 2.5

degree of g(x): 4

x-int: 0, 1, 2

y-int: 0

Graph 3

h(x) = (x+1)^(2) (x-2)

x-min: XER

x-max: XER

y-min: YER

y-max: YER

degree of h(x): 3

x-int: 2, -1

y-int: -2


I explored mathematical ideas using technology when used my knowledge in transformations to create the ideal polynomial art I wanted. I was able to change the graph to fit my liking.

I analyzed data and used criteria to draw conclusions when I made my functions to fit what I wanted my graphs to look.

I justified my conclusions with evidence when I wrote out the information I found on the graphs such as x int and y int.

Dr. Bahman Kalantari – Polynomial Root-Finding and Polynomiography

New Year Core Competency Goals

Goal 1

This year I am hoping to become more organized in my homework, test dates, and due dates. Last year I was not very on top of my work and tend to fall behind in class work. When work builds up, it can become very stressful and difficult to catch up on all the classes.

To accomplish this, if I become sad, angry, or frustrated, doing class or schoolwork I will plan ahead to help me be more productive or calm.

Goal 2

I am hoping to remain focused in the activity in front of me. During long classes, I tend to become easily distracted and off track. This can really affect me academically. Especially with all my friends in my classes, it will not be easy to be focused and on task.

Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle include making the decision between focusing in class or enjoying the time with my friends.

Chemistry 11 Lab 20C Titration Reflection

Titration Core Competency

I can take on roles and resposibilities in a group; I do my share.

Transforming Parabola


The vertex for my parabola is (-1, -3)

The vertex for the parent function is (0, 0)

The “a”, “h”, and “k” values are used to transform the parent function. The a value is what determines if the parabola is stretched, compressed, or flipped. If the “a” value is smaller than one or greater then negative one, then the parent function is stretched because the parabola grows at a slower rate. on contrary, if the “a” value is greater than one or less than negative one, the parabola will compress because the parent function will grow at a faster rate. The “h” value is what determines x value of the parabola. The “h” value shifts the parabola left or right. If the “h” value is negative then the parabola will shift left and if the value is positive, the parabola shifts right. The last value is “k” and this helps determine the y value of the parabola. The “h” value will shift the parabola up or down depending on if it is negative or positive. Positive “h” value will move it up, and negative will move it down.

Since the “a” value on my function is less than one and greater than negative one, my parabola got stretched. The “h” value is a positive, so my parabola was shifted to the left by one unit. The “k” value of my parabola is negative three so my parabola shifted down three. This is how the “a”, “h”, and “k” value transformed and shifted my parabola.

Self- Assesment

  1. How did you represent the same mathematical idea in multiple ways in this assignment?
  2. State how the relevant mathematical vocabulary words you used to demonstrate your understanding?
  3. How did you use formatting to share this information in a clear and orgainized way?
  1. I represented the same mathematical idea is multiple ways by showing both the graph for visual learners and in a form of a paragraph for the people who need and learn better from an explanation.
  2. I used words such as, streched or compressed to show the parabola stretching and compressing. I also used the vocab such as shifting or transforming to describe the changes in the parabola.
  3. I used formatting from desmos to show a clear and organized graph. I also used simple and bold titles in Edublogs to be clear of what I will be disscussing.

Physics 11 Core Competency Reflection

I can communicate and collaborate with peers in order to achieve greater knowledge. Collaborating with more minds to solve issues gave more perspective on the problem. Communicating with my peers lets me know what they think on the problem at hand and allows for our minds to collaborate easier. I find when I work on a problem together with others, I am able to contribute a good amount to the conversations and problem solving we do. On whiteboard works we engage in deep conversation with peers and gives us more insight on the challenge we are given. Seeing more perspectives lets us get a deeper understanding in the concepts we learn.

R2 Harajuku Fashion

Alec Chang

What is your opinion on Harajuku fashion? Do you think these styles could be popular in Canada?

I, personally, am not crazy over the Harajuku Fashion mainly because it is quite vibrant and pops out too much. Although I do not feel too comfortable with this style, there are people who do. All that matter is that they enjoy the fashion themselves and are happy while doing it. While these styles may be popular in some areas of Japan, I cannot say for sure if they will be popular in Canada. I have yet to see any fashions of those sorts in Canada. I do think that if enough people in Canada start the trend, it may have a chance in being popular. It really depends on how the Canadians feel about the Harajuku Fashion.

Which type of Harajuku fashion did you like best? Why?

I think if I had to chose a type of Harajuku Fashion, I would probably say the men’s streetwear. Especially the black outfits look pretty good in my opinion. I like this one best because I am not too into the vibrant colors of the other Harajuku Fashion types.

Japan is a country that values conformity, so why is Harajuku so popular amongst the younger generation? 

I think the reason this fashion is most popular amongst the younger generation because of youthful rebellion. The younger generations tend to like to stand out more and find ways to rebel against the older ways or the “ways things have always been done.” I also think that this type of fashion is a way for the younger generation to express themselves. This gives them a time to break away from traditional ways and a chance to be themselves and express themselves.

How important is fashion to you? What influences your fashion?

Fashion is not very important to me, I have often received feedback about things that I wear that “does not seem right.” I do not really care about my outfit that much as I wear pretty much the same thing everyday. My fashion is mostly influenced by my own comfort and if I like the clothes I wear or not.

Do you like your fashion style? Would you like anything to change?

I would say I like my current fashion style and would not like to change anything. This topic of Harajuku fashion has given me more insight on how others may view fashion because I have never really cared about fashion. I do applaud to those who chose to express themselves this way because it looks like it takes some guts and bravery to accomplish this style, and I am really glad they enjoy it.