Rube Goldberg Project Reflection

The very difficult equation we are attempting to solve for.
The second part of our machine
our machine at work.( unfortunately did not zoom in on the answer)

I get ideas when I use my senses to explore. My play ideas are fun for me and make me happy. I make my ideas work or I change what I am doing.

In this project, our group had a difficult start because we had no idea what we were going to do with our Rube Goldberg machine or what task it would accomplish. As we explored the material we had, we slowly started to get an idea of what we wanted, and slowly worked towards that goal. We had several challenges along the way and had to adjust our machine several times. After playing with our materials and eventually coming up with something, we needed to make sure it worked. This was difficult and we had to continue adjusting our Rube Goldberg machine. In the end, we were successful in making our device work even just for a couple of times. This made our group feel happy and accomplished, because it had taken a lot of effort to make it accomplish a simple task.