CLE Reflections for artifact

Alec Chang

Personal Responsibility  Explain why it is important to have a financial plan for either attending post-secondary or moving out on your own. Are there expenses that you came across that you never thought about. If so, what were they? Is it more expensive than you thought? 

It is important to have a financial plan for both post-secondary programs and moving out on your own for many reasons. One of the reason to have a financial plan is so you know what you will be spending your money on and how you would organize your spending. Knowing what you will spend on is important because it prevents you from making poor financial decisions. Another reason to have a financial plan for the future is so you can monitor the price of things and decide if what you are paying is actually worth it. After doing some projects connected to finance, spending, and taxes, there were somethings that came out more expensive than I had anticipated. The first thing that was more expensive than expected was food. I have heard of my parents saying that we have spent a lot on food but I never knew the actual amount until recent years when I began talking to them about it. Just as a family of four going out to eat would cost nearly 100 dollars if it is at a decent place. The second thing that came out more expensive than anticipated was transport. I knew that transportation was expensive but after calculating what the total annual cost was, I was shocked to see such high numbers. I would have expected the price to be lower, however, just buying the vehicle costed quite a lot of money, not even including the insurance and gas money. Especially with the gas prices rising, I do not know how much I may be paying for gas in the future. I think having CLE really opened my eyes to what the actual prices are for the cost of living that I had no idea of because my parents have just been paying.

Advertisement Persuasion Project

My Advertisement

Persuasion and Advertisement Unit Reflection

Provide a brief explanation of what the Hunger Games Advertisement Project is

The advertisement unit is where we made a product and an advertisement on it. For our presentation we presented the techniques we used in the advertisement to convince or persuade our audience to buy our product.

Why is it important to remember who benefits from the advertisement when you view an advertisement?

Knowing who benefits from the advertisement is important because it allows you to direct your advertisement towards your intended audience. You can make statements and claims that your audience may find interesting or useful.

Choose one form of persuasion and explain why it is effective in persuading you/an audience: logical, ethical, emotional on an audience

Using logical appeal is useful because it lets your audience learn facts about your product. When you give your audience a lot of facts, they are able to share your visions of the product clearly. The evidence you give makes it easier for the audience to understand and make decisions.

Choose an advertising technique and explain why it is effective in selling a product.

Card stacking is a technique used commonly in advertisements. It is a technique where the company only focuses on the positives about their product in an advertisement. This makes it seem that your product has no downsides and tricks the audience into not considering the flaws your product may have.

Core Competency Reflection

One strategy or activity that stimulated my imagination on this project was…

One strategy or activity that stimulated my imagination on this project was by getting inspiration from seeing what bigger companies do online. Seeing how others do it makes it easier for me to formulate ideas on my own advertisement, especially because the advertisements I look at are from bigger companies who have more experience then me.

My 2022/2023 Year

Personal/social Reflection

My Grade 9 year was an amazing experience. The daily routine was very different from the ones in middle school, there are more people, and most importantly we have more freedom with our time. When I started this year I was nervous. I wanted to take a bunch of classes and meet tons of new people. I was able to do this and made a lot of friends.

This year I learnt many things from my teachers. I ended up trying and liking things I would have never expected myself to like. An example is science. When I decided to do science honors, I did not know what to expect. I did not think I would like the course very much since I had little interest in science when I was in middle school. The more learnt from the class and the more time I spent with my fellow peers, the more I enjoyed the course. This was only one of the many courses I got the privilege to enjoy in my grade 9 year.

I also enjoyed joining volleyball this year because it was my first club while coming to high-school. The experience was very well worth it and it is an event I will not forget.

“Volleyball Québec.”, Accessed 2 June 2023.

Areas to improve


For next year I hope to be able to maintain my grades for all classes over 90. I want to be able have more control over my grade and not constantly chasing after an “at least an A”.

Action plans

To achieve this I hope in using my notebook more often and schedule myself to do all my work on time and be done my homework early rather then finishing things last minute or the night before the assignments are due.

Life Of Pi : The Book

Alec Chang

My Movie

Plot, Character, Setting, and Mood

· Explain how you figured out what your Avatar would look like.

There was a movie on what my book. I also had imagined what he looked like while I was reading the book. I do not remember if the book mentions what he looked like.

· How did you choose the plot points?

I chose the plot points by finding the points in the story that were significant and then all I did was write a summary on the significant moments.

· Explain how you figured out the setting in your story. Why is the setting significant to

the story?

In the story the narrator describes the setting. The setting is significant because it can influence how one may feel when being in that setting.

· Explain what the word mood means and how/why you picked the song that you picked?

I think the word mood is how the story makes you feel when you read it. I picked the song I picked because I wanted a song that was not too dramatic but not sad and calm either.

Core Competency Reflection

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this…

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this project. I did this by using evidence from the book to make the judgements I did for my “Life of Pi” Edublog.

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by…

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by asking lots of questions. I ask questions to gain a better understanding of what we are doing in class. I seek help if I need it.

I appreciate feedback on… and prefer it comes in the form of…

I appreciate feedback on what I did and prefer it comes in written from, such as comments on paper or comments online, or I would be fine if the feedback was verbal.

Math Self-Assessment

Alec Chang

By doing…in the classroom, I make a positive difference to my peers.

By sharing positive feedback and ideas while we are doing group work. I try to help my peers the best I can and discuss with them the problems we have in front of us. I try to talk with all my peers to get to know each of them. By doing these things, I can make a positive difference to my peers.

Some of the ways I work to build and maintain relationship are…

Some of the ways I work to build and maintain relationship are not to be negative towards my peers. I stay positive towards their ideas and their opinion. I always come to the group with a positive attitude. By maintaining a positive relationship between me and my peers it makes it easier to talk and collaborate with them for school work.

To celebrate an accomplishment such as, ________ I …

To celebrate an accomplishment such as, getting a good grade or doing well on a test. I like to share this wonderful news with my peers and my family.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I…

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I like to take a break and come back to the question, task, or challenge. I think this gives my a fresh and new perspective of the problem and I can think better after taking some time to stop thinking so hard on that one question.

R4-School life

Alec Chang

  • How does school in Japan compare to Canada? Is there anything they do in Japan, that you wish we did at Centennial?
  • Do you think that students should have more responsibilities at school like cleaning duty? Why?
  • How lucky are you in じゃんけん?Would you be able to snag leftovers?

I think Japanese students have more responsibility than us here in Canada. We don’t need to mop floors or have lunch duty and monitor. Although I wished Centennial provided lunch instead of only selling, because I have to spend time in my day to was my lunch and make my lunch, so it is kind of annoying.

I think yes, because after big games, the gyms are always filthy and dirty. If we cleaned the school we wouldn’t have problems with dirty environments. This would also mean that people will have to stay to clean sometimes.

My rock paper skills are terrible and I barely in any of my matches. I will never get leftovers.

ADL – financial literacy

Home purchase scenario calculations

80,000 x 1.042^3 + 30,000 = 120,509.287


80,000 x 1.042 = 83,360

83,360 x 1.042 = 86,861.12

86,861.12 x 1.042 = 90,509.28704

90,509.28704 + 30,000 = 120,509.28704

Start with 80,000 then multiply by 1.042^3 (It’s to the power of three because it’s for three years) then add 30,000 because of your personal savings.


Reaching the goal 800,000 could come in different ways. If you chose the 1 year GIC you would get your money back quick in just one year. Although you could get more money much faster, in ways such as stocks. Stocks is a way to gain a lot quickly, but it also comes with potential risks such as if your stocks go down, you have the possibility in losing money rather than gaining. This is why I chose the three year GIC. It guarantees I will not lose anything, while still being able to get more money than the one year GIC. You also won’t need to care for this money too much, it will grow on its own. The GIC is non redeemable though, meaning you will not get your money back until three years later.

Group work questions

  1. I didn’t get a chance to work with a group, but I did have a teacher and peers to help me with this assignment. It was quite nice to work with them because with the teacher it was very one on one so the instructions came very clearly and I could ask questions easily, and my peer was able to explain to me everything I had to do and show me visually.
  2. If I was in a group I would be sharing me ideas with the group and my peers would also give ideas that I could also use to develop my own answers.
  3. My teacher really guided me to the answer because I missed the class and I was able to use that to come up with my own reasonings.
  4. I think I worked well with the group I had. I did my best on my part in understanding the assignment, and my teacher and peer was nice to show me the way. I would rate our team work a 4, because of this.

Core competency

I can ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener

In this assignment I was able to do this because I was not here while they started this assignment, so I had to pay extra attention while I had a teacher explain to me what to do for each part of this assignment. Naturally, I had to ask questions because some of the parts in the assignment I missed so it was confusing sometimes.

When faced with ambiguity or setbacks, I… to advance the development of my ideas.

When faced with ambiguity or setbacks, I look at different ideas from others and ask for help if I need to. I use ideas from others to advance the development of my ideas.

R3 – Japanese mascots

Alec Chang


Octopus-kun from Minamisanriku-cho. From prefecture Miyagi. This mascot has their birthday in February. Octopus-kun is now 15.Octopus-kun was originally on paperweights, but then he became a mascot later on. I think octopus kun is popular because the octopus itself looks good and because Japanese people use octopus in their food alot whether it is eaten raw or cooked it is delicious (in my opinion).
I believe the difference is the Japanese mascots are greater in number and they are in Japan. Other than that I cant really think of an answer.
I think mascots are popular is Japan because they look fun and they csn represent anything so it is easy to create your own as well.
I think Canada can have alot of mascots as well but it is up to the people of Canada and whether the people here are into mascots or not.
If coquitlam had a mascot then it would have something that reminded them of a sub urban area with parks, lakes, and it should be a spirit bear since that is our provincial animal.

Technology and Wellbeing Reflection

Alec Chang

When I am in a stressful situation I stop instead of continue to push forward. I take a break from whatever is causing the stress. After I take a break, I come back and take a look at what sort of situation I am in and what is the best way to do the situation. I like to be alone while I am in the zone to concentrate. I usually deal with things best when I am home alone. Technology can relieve stress and waste my time. I find when I need to take my mind of something videos online help with this a lot. Although it does not help with time management. Technology also causes me stress when I am not able to use MYED or websites and I am not able to understand, it makes it stressful when you’re unable to catch up with everyone else in technology.

core competency

a. I find it easy to be part of a group.

I am able to be apart of a group and it is easier for me since I am an extrovert. I can make friends within the group while I work. I can contribute my ideas within the group. This allows me to use the ideas I gain to help myself and people around me in the future.

b. I am kind to others, and support others when they need it.

I can be kind to others and support them when they look sad or upset. It may be difficult sometimes, because I don’t know when exactly they are hurt. Overtime after spending more time with the person it can make it easier to tell if that person is hurt.

d. I can identify how my actions affect the community or environment and I can make positive change

I can identify my actions after I do them. It is easier for me to identify with people to give ideas. I can identify my mistakes. It may be difficult for me to adjust to these because I am not the most flexible person in the world. It takes me time but if it is for a good cause I would try my best to adjust myself. My mother once told me for the world around you to change, you need to change yourself first.

R2 – ようかい

Kuchisake onnaくちさけおんな

The spirit I chose is Kuchisake onna. I was first introduced to Kuchisake onna when I was watching binge watching YouTube videos at 3 am. The person was talking about Japanese spirits and the video I watching just so happened to be talking about non other then Kuchisake onna. The story was very interesting and I have always remembered how to survive upon meeting her. (Throw/offer hard candy at/to her)

Kuchisake Onna is a Japanese folklore on a female spirit. She is described as a female ghost with a mask partically covering her face and a pair of large shears. She would find male victims and ask “Am I beautiful?” If the answer is no then she grabs you and with her shears she slashes them across the face.

Kuchisake Onna is a vengeful ghost who was brutally mutilated in the past. Her face was slit apart from her mouth. The deep wound drips with blood and is covered by a mask. Her victims usually suffer the same fate as her past self.