Reflecting on My First Year

Alec Chang

My Grade 9 year

My Grade 9 year was an amazing experience. The daily routine was very different from the ones in middle school, there are more people, and most importantly we have more freedom with our time. When I started this year I was nervous. I wanted to take a bunch of classes and meet tons of new people. I was able to do this and made a lot of friends.

This year I learnt many things from my teachers. I ended up trying and liking things I would have never expected myself to like. An example is science. When I decided to do science honors, I did not know what to expect. I did not think I would like the course very much since I had little interest in science when I was in middle school. The more learnt from the class and the more time I spent with my fellow peers, the more I enjoyed the course. This was only one of the many courses I got the privilege to enjoy in my grade 9 year.

My Favorite Website

I chose the app/website Squardle because it helped me expand my vocabulary and it killed time. This website allowed me to learn the definitions of new words that I did not know existed. I was able to use some of the new words I learnt in my writing in English, this helped me write using more sophisticated words and be able to choose a word that fits what I wanted to express best.

My Favorite Video

Japanese Prison break

The Japanese Prison break is one of my favorite videos and I have watched it many times. It is a video on a man who breaks out of four different prisons in japan for a crime he did not commit. Each time he breaks out a prison, and gets caught, it seems more difficult to escape, yet he does it every time. The different ways he breaks out of prison are always interesting to watch even if I have already seen it many times.

My Favorite Image

I chose this image because it was a joke I posted as a meme into our short English meme assignment. We had recently read the Hunger Games and I thought it would be funny if I had edited Peeta Mellark’s face onto a piece of pita bread. I thought it was pretty funny and got a good laugh out of it. Unfortunately the class did not find this as funny as I did.

My Favorite Quote

“There are no accidents” – Master Oogway

This is a quote I like because I like the idea where everything has its own reasoning for happening and nothing are accidents. If something happens it is at worst only a learning experience where you can avoid the same thing happening again. I especially like this quote because it is from the first movie of Kung Fu Panda that I watched as a kid and I still kept that quote close to me after all this time.

Work cited

The Incredible Japanese Prison, Accessed 17 May 2023.

“Squaredle.” Squaredle.App, Accessed 17 May 2023.

“Peeta Bread! :-D.” Imgflip, Accessed 17 May 2023.