People go on their devices everyday. They might not realize how important it is to stay safe and positive on screens. It’s important to stay safe online because most people have important files, passwords, banking, and personal information on their devices. It’s also safe to know who you’re talking too. You never know who could be on the other side of your phone call or massages. Staying positive online is also important. Since you don’t want to be known as a negative person online. People can also screenshot or screen-record anything they want of something you may have said or posted. An example of a negative person online is someone who uses their device to cyber-bully, steal someone’s personal information identity theft, or the invasion of someone else’s privacy. To ensure everyone is being positive and safe online everyone can turn their social media to private, create strong passwords, don’t over post or share personal information.
Core Competency Reflection
I know that my digital footprint can have both positive and negative consequences, including sharing to much personal information so I adjust my social media accounts to private
Some of the ways I work to build and maintain online relationship are calling and messaging my friends online.
My online support network is helpful to me because they can help me with any problem I have.
Work Sited
Social Media, Online Gaming and Keeping Children Safe Online | Nidirect. 3 Nov. 2015,
10 Ways to Stay Safe Online | HSBC China. Accessed 19 Sept. 2023.CloseDeleteEdit
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