My Artifact:
This semester I wrote my speech on “Why Orca’s do not Belong in an Aquarium”. I was happy with my speech because it was a topic I was passionate about.
Curricular Competencies Reflection
During my speech I connected with my classmates by making them imagine what it would be like if they were kidnapped from their home and put in a room smaller than your closet for the rest of your life. Forced to perform for other peoples entertainment. I learnt that connecting with your audience can make your speech more entertaining to hear. By adding visuals it also makes your speech more interesting.
Core Competencies Reflection
For my core competency reflection I choose thinking because I made my classmates think about what it would be like as an orca. The struggles that young calve orcas taken from the wild has to go through. The mental heath and physical harm they have to go through. I also had visuals with photo examples of the abuse.