Reflect on your progress and learning in Spanish from day one to now. Have you improved? What surprised you? What are you still finding challenging?
I think I have improved in Spanish since day one. I surprised myself on how well I did and how well I was able to remember classroom objects, numbers, and colors for our test. I find writing out sentences difficult on my own without my notes.
Pick one of the projects or assignments from Spanish 9 this semester that you are proud of. Describe what you had to do and reflect on your work habits and core competencies when doing the project/assignment. What went well? What might you do differently if you were to do it again? Include at least two core competencies to discuss in your reflection.
I was most proud of my project I presented with my partner Eden. We had to pick a Spanish speaking country and make a presentation and present it in front of the class. We also had to include an artifact to show the class from your country. We had Peru and we made a popular flute. I think we worked well together and did equal work and reading. I think the core competencies that we used were communication and creativity. Next time I would bring food instead of a flute.