When I know I will be studying for a long time I will try my best to stay off my phone, I’ll put it in another room to avoid distraction or give myself a 2 minute phone break every 20 minutes.
3. Alone
When I study alone I can focus completely on the material, without it turning into a hangout session.
3. Consistent
If you have a test on Friday and you only study on Monday, then chances are you would have done better if you studied a little bit everyday that week.
4. Teaching others
Teach others something you already knew can make you show better understanding and master the material.
5. Testing yourself
Testing yourself forces you to actually think about the material other than going over it.
Review notes everyday, practice, and summarize key things. Before tests go over past topics and practice questions with mini tests to stay prepared.
This is how I select images and words to create impact for different audiences: To select images I copy and paste an image from google and make sure to site my sources. I try not to use too many words in the presentation because I don’t want my audiance to be reading what I’m supposed to be teaching them so instead I try to use more photos.
Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in: While my group and I were figuring out what slides everyone wants and what place we should present.
One goal I have for myself is to study for the final everyday and score at least over a 60-70%.
One of my strengths is meeting deadlines. I displayed this strength during all my big projects and homework assignments. But a pacific time where i used this strength is when I was behind on my Thailand project is socials because of a softball tourmament. But I was still able to hand it in on time because i used my class, LEC, and flex time wisely.
Core Competency Reflection
“I can identify ways in which my strengths can help me meet challenges, and how my challenges can be opportunities for growth.” Recognizing my strengths allows me to approach challanges with confidence. Each challange helps me face the next. An example of that would be getting harder work each time.
Reflect on your progress and learning in Spanish from day one to now. Have you improved? What surprised you? What are you still finding challenging?
I think I have improved in Spanish since day one. I surprised myself on how well I did and how well I was able to remember classroom objects, numbers, and colors for our test. I find writing out sentences difficult on my own without my notes.
Pick one of the projects or assignments from Spanish 9 this semester that you are proud of. Describe what you had to do and reflect on your work habits and core competencies when doing the project/assignment. What went well? What might you do differently if you were to do it again? Include at least two core competencies to discuss in your reflection.
I was most proud of my project I presented with my partner Eden. We had to pick a Spanish speaking country and make a presentation and present it in front of the class. We also had to include an artifact to show the class from your country. We had Peru and we made a popular flute. I think we worked well together and did equal work and reading. I think the core competencies that we used were communication and creativity. Next time I would bring food instead of a flute.
My artifact that I chose for science 9 is my strawberry DNA lab. In this lab we extracted DNA from a strawberry cell. We did this by getting the DNA out of the nucleus in this lab from smashing the strawberries in a bag with dish soap, salt, and tap water. The smashing was to break up the plant cell walls in a bag. The dish soap was to break down the fats in the cell membranes and nuclear membranes so the contents of the cell and nucleus can be released. The salt breaks up proteins chains the bind around the DNA separated from the rest of the material. Since my teacher added more than the amount of strawberries everyone was supposed to have we had lots of strawberry DNA. I think I demonstrated communication with my partner during this lab since we had to ask around for other partners opinions.
During my first year at Centennial, I enjoyed playing on the grade 9 girls volleyball team and making new friendships through that experience. As well as meeting new people and making new friends in my classes was very rewarding. I also enjoyed the freedom high school offers compared to middle school and overall learning more complex content in each subject. A goal I have set for the next school year is to make sure I understand the context in class and ask more questions. So when it comes to studying for a test I don’t have to relearn anything. Throughout this school year I also learnt how important it is to stay organized and on top of assignments for overall success.
Desmos is one of the most useful educational websites in my opinion . It has helped me so much this semester with math. Its advanced graphing calculator offers a wide range of functions. Which allows me to visualize and learn how to graph equations, plot data points, solve difficult equations, and much more. I also enjoy the fun problem solving activities my teacher creates for us off Desmos. Overall Desmos is a versatile tool that helps me with my understanding of math.
My Useful Educational Video
This video has been helpful to me in Spanish class with understanding the ser verb as well as pronce and memorizing important words in Spanish. The video has also helpped me with one of my recent projects.Where I had to describe all my teachers in semester two with two words in Spanish.
My Useful Educational Image
I like this image because it shows all the stages of mitosis and meiosis as well as the differances. This photo has helped me memorize for the unit test I just had.
My Inspirational Quote
“It always seems impossible until its done” -Nelson Mandela
I admire this quote because before a big test or presenting a big project you often are scared or dispise wanting to do it. Until you finish it and your feel acomplished.
Desmos | Let’s Learn Together. https://www.desmos.com/. Accessed 3 June 2024.
Señor Jordan. How to Describe Yourself Physically in Spanish! 2016. YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mihDeLnRIPg.
‘45 School Quotes for Every Learning Milestone’. Real Simple, https://www.realsimple.com/work-life/family/kids-parenting/school-quotes-for-every-learning-milestone. Accessed 4 June 2024.
During Eden and my presentation I think our speech was mostly loud and clear. I think we explained the content well on our slides, and the presentation overall went smoothly and had a lot of visuals and information. Other than me laughing uncontrollably. I think we could have done better with our wow factor. Next time I would have made a dish for the class to share. I think one of the curricular competences that we used while making our wow factor was creative thinking since we tried to make something that other people would not make. -Aleesha Edwards
This semester I wrote my speech on “Why Orca’s do not Belong in an Aquarium”. I was happy with my speech because it was a topic I was passionate about.
Curricular Competencies Reflection
During my speech I connected with my classmates by making them imagine what it would be like if they were kidnapped from their home and put in a room smaller than your closet for the rest of your life. Forced to perform for other peoples entertainment. I learnt that connecting with your audience can make your speech more entertaining to hear. By adding visuals it also makes your speech more interesting.
Core Competencies Reflection
For my core competency reflection I choose thinking because I made my classmates think about what it would be like as an orca. The struggles that young calve orcas taken from the wild has to go through. The mental heath and physical harm they have to go through. I also had visuals with photo examples of the abuse.
What are 3 core competencies you demonstrated with the Blender Buildings Assignment? Explain.
The first core competency I demonstrated while making my blender building was creative thinking. I used my creative thinking to think about what color and shape I should make my three houses to make it go well with the look of the neighborhood. The second core competency I used was critical thinking especially when watching the fast tutorials. If I missed a step in the video I can either go back to see what I missed, try my best to figure it out myself, or lastly ask a friend or teacher for help. The last core competency I used while building my houses was social/personal awareness. Asking my teacher or friends for help if I need it or offering help to others.