
Comparison to Canada

traditionsHoly week the singing of national anthems
sports/athletessoccer (football)hockey
landmarksAlhambra palaceCN Tower, Toronto.
holidays/traditionsSemana SantaDecorating a Christmas tree and exchanging gifts on Christmas
music/artFlamenco dancingpump rock, rock, pop.

Spain is a country that I would love to visit! It is a beautiful place with lots of landmarks I would like to see.

Core Competency Reflection

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. We made a powerpoint using both me and my partners ideas. It was organized and easy to read.

I work with others to achieve a goal. We got the project done on time and were happy with the resalts.

I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share. We split up the work and finished our part.

I find it easy to be part of a group. Working in a group is easy for me because it takes the stress of doing a full project by myself. I find it easy to talk and workout issues and split up work evenly.

I can reflect on my thinking. A lot of the time I find it hard to put my thoughts into words. I will take more time into wording information properly so that it males sense


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