Fetal Pig Dissection Lab
During this pig dissection lab, I was able to demonstrate my collaboration skills with my partner. At the start, we were both scared to do the dissection, but after a bit, we got more comfortable with it. We divided up tasks, worked together, and supported each other through it. We would each take turns making the incisions, as well as getting supplies and cleaning up. Together we were able to finish the dissection and we were both super proud of ourselves for being able to finish it. Communication was a big part of the lab as we had to work together to find the specific area to cut, as well as labeling the internal parts of the pig later on.
A big part of this lab was communication. There were many specific spots that we needed to make the incisions, so we had to be very cautious and precise. We would have one person talking the other through it, and they would point to the area on the diagram and help find it on the pig. We worked together and would switch off with tasks, and it helped us finish the lab in a time efficient way.
With labeling the inner parts of the pig there were many areas where we had to move over organs to find others. We would both examine the pig to find the parts to label it. With a lot of trial and error, we were able to finish. All the groups were helping each other out and it made the lab fun as we were all grossed out together.
Blood Lab
For the blood lab I was super excited to see how the solutions would effect our blood. First we started off by pricking our finger, which the thought of doing it was scary for me as I am scared of needles, but it ended up being easier then I expected. I leaned that it was easier to do it quick rather then slowly trying to push the needle into my finger.
To see what blood type you are, you have to add specific solutions to each of your test circles. The way you find out what blood type you are is by seeing if the blood undergoes agglutination. This is where the blood clots and you see it separate. In the first circle labeled “A”, you can see that this reaction occurred. In the circle labeled “RH”, you can see that no reaction occurred, meaning that my blood type is A-.
Another part of this lab was finding our glucose percentage. What we did was we put a drop of our blood on a piece of paper and as it dried we could compare the colour against a guide to see our percentage. Something that was neat about it was that you could see if someone was anemic by their glucose percentage. Being below 70% showed that, and I was 60%.
Sheep Heart Dissection
During this lab, my partner and I worked together to label the different openings of the heart. a strategy we used was using 2 different diagrams one digital diagram, and one on paper to be able to see the openings from different angles to be able to find them easier. Another strategy was once we were confident with 1 opening being labeled correctly we would work off that to find the other ones.
As we were doing this lab, we were also working with another group. It was more comforting to have another group nearby for support as we could help each other out with labeling. When we were doing the lab we were able to visualize how the heart works as we could see it in real life. Seeing all the veins and arteries was also interesting as we could see how they connected to help the heart pump blood.A big part of this lab was communication skills as we had to be able to explain what way the heart faces, and be able to clearly show each opening.