Reflecting on My First Year

My Grade 9 Year

This year I enjoyed learning all about different views and perspectives to write in English 9. I Learned all about how to work through different science problems and how certain things work together. This year I realized I work best when I am pushed to finish work, as I am a very forgetful person and I procrastinate as much as one can. My strengths definitely include being able to work with other people around me and with people other than my friends as well as being able to ask questions clearly. For my stretches, staying on task is one of the main ones for me. I struggle with being reminded to continue working and I also struggle with remember how to do things.

My Favorite Website

Taylor Swift Official Store – Taylor Swift CA

The reason I chose this website is because Taylor Swift has been a huge inspiration not only to me but others as well. Taylor Swift has never been afraid to speak up and do what is right, she wrote a bunch of songs about overcoming difficult obstacles. Taylor, like many others, has been doubted about her success and she decided to ignore them because “haters gonna hate,” (Shake it off) and despite her being doubted she proved all of them wrong and became the first person in history to occupy the entire top 10 songs on the billboard hot 100.

My Favorite Video

I chose this video because this is a topic that is not explained very well. Your mental health is more important than anything else going on in your life. You can do things at your own pace but when it comes to mental health you need to learn how to heal in your own way rather than waiting for your problems to go away because most of the time they don’t just go away on their own. Talking about your problems is one way of feeling more liberated and free from them, but I know it is hard to talk about them because sometimes you feel like others won’t understand. Mental health days are something that everyone should have.

My Favorite Image

I chose this book because I read it during class to pass the time when I had finished my work. This book is about two teenagers who want to escape from reality and their small town in Indiana. They helped each other learn to deal with their problems and brought out the best in each other, like my friends do for me in school and in general. They helped me conquer all of my work even when I was too tired to do it, just like Finch helped Violet overcome her guilt for surviving and fear of riding in cars.

My Favorite Quote

My favorite Quote is ‘Choose a job you love and you never have to work another day in your life’ this talks about how if you choose to follow a passion of yours it’s not really working if it is something you enjoy doing. I chose this quote because it is very meaningful and sends a good message to follow your dreams.

Works Cited

Choose a Job You Love, and You Will Never Have To Work a Day in Your Life – Quote Investigator®. 2 Sept. 2014,

Why Students Should Have Mental Health Days | Hailey Hardcastle., Accessed 23 May 2023.

ADL- Collaboration and Solutions for Financial Literacy

Data and Solutions

3-year GIC

year 1- $40,000 x 1.042 = $41,680

year 2- $41,680 x 1.042 = $43,430

year 3 – $43,430 x 1.042 = $42,254

3-year stocks

year 1 -$40,000 x 1.075 = $43,000

year 2 – $43,000 x 1.075 = $46,225

year 3 – $46,225 x 1.075 = $49,691

GIC + stocks + $30,000 interest = $124,945

If there happens to be a bad year in stocks it would equal to $46,225 x 0.913 = $44,924

GIC + stocks with bad year + $30,000 = $120,178 and that is enough.


I think this is a very smart solution, it is a better idea to split all the money into separate plans to acquire more money. Although you gain the risk by putting half of the money into stocks it would still work and be successful if you have a bad year.

Collaboration Reflection

I worked well with my group, and I made an effort to collaborate my ideas and knowledge with the others around me. I also effectively communicated with the other member, ensuring everyone understood their roles and responsibilities. Overall, I believe that my work ethic and positive attitude made a valuable contribution to the success of the group project.

Core Competency Reflection

-I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. I can make my work easy to understand and simple to follow along, as well as following instructions as given.

-I ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener. I can help those around me who are struggling to understand certain concepts.

-I think about what I am going to convey and to whom I will convey it to. I make sure my ideas are clear and can be understood by anyone.

Survive the Night: The Movie

My Movie

Plot, Character, Setting and Mood

· Explain how you figured out what your Avatar would look like.

The author gave a description of each of the characters as the book advanced.

· How did you choose plot points to focus on for your movie?

I chose moments in the book that were important to understand the rest of the book.

· Explain what you know about figuring out setting in a story.

The author told me as I was reading about what time, date, and place it was, time stamps were very important in this book.

· Explain what the word mood means in literature and movies. Why did you pick the song that you picked?

Mood is a very important aspect to books and movies, it plays a big part in understanding what kind of book you are getting into and what sort of things to expect.

· Don’t forget a conclusion sentence!

Over all, I liked this book and would recommend it because it had an interesting plot as well as having characters that stick with you and make you understand their point of view.

Core Competency Reflection

· Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are understanding things from different perspectives.

· I appreciate feedback on my work and prefer it comes in the form of how to help understand how to make things better.

· When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I take a break and calm down.

 My Digital Footprint: Keeping Myself Safe

Creating a Positive and Safe Digital Footprint

I used word art for this project.

Internet safety

The internet can be dangerous so being aware on how to use it safely is a good thing to know. Internet safety is important because whatever you post stays there forever and you don’t want that to affect your future opportunities. You also want to stay safe from any creepy people you do not know.

Being safe on the internet comes in multiple ways, you can start by being careful with who you interact with and who you allow to interact with you. Another way is by making sure what you post is appropriate and is something that cannot be used against you in any way. Also making sure something is safe and does not contain personal information before you post it. You never know someone’s true intentions, it is a good idea to interact with only people you know/are friends with.

Unsafe activities come in many forms such as, commenting or posting something harmful that can be used against you. Engaging with people you do not know online. Leaking personal information like your address, number, etc.

Works Cited

  • “How To Protect Your Digital Footprint.” Morgan Stanley, Accessed 9 Nov. 2022.
  • What Every Teen Needs to Know About Their Digital Footprint | Net Nanny. Accessed 9 Nov. 2022.

Personal/Social Competency Reflection

I am aware that posting stuff on the internet can have negative outcomes and consequences. Some of the consequences with posting personal stuff online is people can find your location, photos you don’t want anyone to see that you deleted, and personal information (Phone number, address, email.). When on social media, I tend to be more careful with settings on apps (Location, privacy, etc.), and being more careful with what I post because they will never go away.

Things I do to maintain a healthy, balanced online presence are not saying rude stuff and being nice online, not saying things unless I have to, and balancing my online and real life, learning and trying new things.