CPR Reflection

My Learning of CPR

CPR Reflection

  1. What was something you learned that you didn’t know or consider before?  

I didn’t consider all the small details and steps that were involved while doing resuscitation. I learned that we have to survey the area for hazards, as the body of the victim could be on something dangerous, and even impact you. I learned how to use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator), as before I had seen them in a lot of different public spaces, but never knew how to operate one. Now I am trained, and if I need to use these skills, god forbid, I will know how to use the automated device.

But I also learned about the difference between Cardiac Arrest and a heart attack. Majority of my life I didn’t know what the difference was, and had a vivid idea of what are the causes of these effects. But after the unit I can easily explain where and how these occurrences happen, as well as the different precautions to take to avoid Cardiac Arrest and Heart Attack.

What is a key takeaway from the Theory or Practical CPR unit? 

A key takeaway is to stay calm in these stressful situations. In the tutorials, they constantly emphasized the use of the saying “I’ve been trained, I can do this” as well as breathing so that you let your body know that everything is okay. Because if you are tense, you won’t think properly and everything you do is based out of fear. But when you are calm, you are able to see the problem in a different lense, and you are able to find the best solution.

The whole course in general is a crucial takeaway because a person that knows CPR is able to save someone’s life. I can’t imagine anyone losing a loved one because of a health tragedy. Knowing that you can help someone in time of crisis is comforting, but you always pray that you never have to use these different ways to resuscitate people.

  1. How does this unit connect to the nutrition unit learned previously?  

It connects because the way you take care of yourself dictates the quality of life that you live. If you eat healthy, exercise, and live a healthy lifestyle, then you won’t have to deal with health problems in the future. But if you treat your body like nothing, the risks of these health problems begin to increase, and if you don’t take the proper steps, you’re life could be on the line for no reason. Your body is a temple. If you take care of the temple, you will live a problem free life and remain prosperous, and live in good health for almost your whole life. But if you treat your body like trash, you won’t be able to live your life to the fullest, and will have to live with the increased chances of something major that can happen to you at any moment. It’s your choice in the end on what kind of life you want to live. Hopefully that people choose the healthy pathway, and live their life to the fullest.

Examples of where I communicated clearly and purposefully can be seen in…  While we were doing the test on the dummies, I communicated loudly, and clearly on what I needed for my helper to do so that we can save the patient. Some people were silent and didn’t really communicate well. But I used my skills to full advantage, and it really paid off in the end. I set the standard high for everybody trying to ace the test.

I appreciated feedback on my CPR knowledge and skills when it came in the form of… Great scores. I was so proud to see that my mark was a 9.5/10 on the physical testing. It is a very motivating thing to have these high grade marks, as you remember that feeling and try to achieve it every time possible. I made sure I knew everything I had to do, and wanted to showcase it at my full ability.

One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on what we are supposed to do is to… I break everything down for them, and make sure that everybody is on the same page. I always make sure that everyone in my group knows the instructions so that everything can go as smoothly as possible. If somebody doesn’t understand, it’s hard for them to keep up with others. I have personally been in this position, and it was rough. I always want to make sure that nobody feels left out and lost about the concepts being taught.

https://media.istockphoto.com/id/1350632791/video/woman-demonstrating-cpr-on-mannequin-in-first-aid-class.jpg?s=640×640&k=20&c=5LnglMEFmAsCc6QJ1eQ3dOQt49bp0YvX6Qv1Atf-aT4=— CPR photo


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