Core Competency Edublog Reflection

Was the French Revolution justifiable?

The French Revolution got rid of the old traditional monarchy. The old monarchy was very crooked and the people had no right to choose who would be their leader. But the revolution brought Enlightened thinking, and democracy started to gain momentum. The people sacrificed in order to get their way, but it was a good sacrifice, as they got a fair way of government, where people can get to elect their leader, and they don’t get chosen because of their social status or how rich they are. The French Revolution played one of the key roles that brought Europe democracy, and got rid of the old monarchy. But during the Reign of Terror, it didn’t help much causes. It killed so many people for no reason, and the government tried to kill people that were considered traitors to the country. They even changed the religious aspect of France. They made up their own days of the week and even made their own gods. Their week lasted 10 days so people don’t remember when Sunday is.

But besides the Reign of Terror, the revolution brought democracy, which got rid of the estate system and also made people have equal rights. The nobles in the monarchy had more rights than the citizens. Can you imagine the world today where we don’t have equal rights and we have 3 estates? It’s hard to imagine a world divided like that.

Core Competencies

I analyzed my paragraph based on the facts and evidence I learned. Because with those facts I can try to make my own judgements and opinions about the revolution. I used critical thinking because I really thought thoroughly about my paragraph and how it was structured, and how it was then compared to our modern world.

Boom or Bust Innovation Project Core Competencies

What did I learn?

  • I learned on what a bull market is, as before I’ve never even heard of the term before.
  • I learned how a mortgage works, and what it is. I learned how a mortgage is a loan.
  • Overall I learned how this crisis occurred. it expanded my knowledge on this crisis, and how it happened.

Which competencies did I show?

As a team we showed collaborating, as we got along and distributed equal amount of work for all.

For me personally, I demonstrated good communication, but I depended too much on reading of my assignment instead of memorizing my part. But for the powerpoint, I demonstrated critical thinking, as I analyzed and made the information I found in my own words. I also used lots of detail in my project so that people can get more context on the meaning of the events.

Product Innovation Powerpoint and Oral Presentation

What did I learn?

-I learned why Lyft was created.

-I learned how a Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation, and Co-operative works.

-We learned about Entrepreneurs, how businesses make profit, and how businesses are interdependent.

What Core Competencies did I use?

I some Creative thinking, as I put everything in my own words, and not just copy other peoples’ ideas. I also used critical thinking as I was analyzed my project and see what I could fix in my project, so I can make it have sense, to make it neat, and also to just receive a good mark in general.

I used Communication as I was loud and clear, and made it at clear as possible so people can understand my project. I was also organized and put my speech into different sections. I used each slide as a different section, so I didn’t just jumble everything into one big wave of words.

My Digital Footprint: Keeping Myself Safe

Creating a Positive and Safe Digital Footprint

Paragraph On How To Be Safe

A way to be safe is not to expose photographs of yourself publicly. People can manipulate the photos and make you look like something that you are not. Also do not press links from other people unless you know they sent the link, or verified with them that they sent the link. Because there are cases where your friend get’s hacked, and you press a link that gets you hacked as well. Also think thoroughly before you post something, and make sure that you feel comfortable in what you are posting.

Another way to be safe is by reading over messages before you send them. Make sure that what you are saying is not damaging to you or others reputation. Because nowadays, people can just take screenshots and can use it against you in many scenarios.

Why Did I Choose A Cloud?

I chose a cloud as my picture, as people call the internet “The Cloud” and also because all of the internet and social media go together to make a cloud. Like a normal cloud, it can be grey and cause chaos, but also it could clear up and be good, and have a positive effect on our lives. Social Media is a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing as it can help us communicate with family overseas, and also to text friends. It is a curse because some people can hack and access other people’s personal information, and can play with your account and pretend that they are you.

Core Competency Reflection

I always use Critical Thinking when I am surfing the internet. I always use logic if the website is safe, or if there are pages that lead to unsafe sites. When I receive emails, I always read who the sender is, and if I can trust them. I always ask the other person if they sent me the link on purpose, because they might be hacked and they use the person’s account to hack other people.

Cited Sources

(Protecting Your Online Identity and Reputation (for Teens) – Nemours KidsHealth)