Element Sway

My sway: Bromine


Curricular Competency Reflection

a. What questions did you need to research in order to create your sway?

I needed to research many different questions related to my element; like where is it found, how was it discovered, and the colour it presents, and what state the element is in with a room temperature setting. I also researched how the element was named and where the name came from. When I was researching, I used the ideas but put all of them in my own words, so that I wouldn’t steal any information.

b. What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

I used the usual search engine, Google, for my researching purposes. But I also started more and more to use different websites that I don’t normally use, and I found so many different reliable sources for information that I can use for different projects and assignments. But I am also smart while researching and don’t press any suspicious links that could cause problems on my computer.

c. What was the process you used to investigate the topic and how did you verify and cite the information you found?

I read over the chunks of information and looked over what I needed for my project. I took the information that I needed, and put it into my own words, so that I wouldn’t steal the information. I took the links of all the websites I used and put it in my “Sites” page. I even pasted the links for all images that I used for the project. I also used what I already knew about Bromine in my project.

d. How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?

I feel that I could’ve found maybe better pictures and make a better design on Sway, but I’m pretty happy with what I came up with. I feel like I put in a lot of effort and time into this project.

Core Competency Reflection

  1. In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by…

Asking questions. Whenever I am sort of struggling, I ask questions to help gain knowledge about the subjects. I also want to familiarize myself with the topic, so I do all my research and certain activities that will help to strengthen my knowledge on that topic. When I am in a discussion, I always make sure that I’m engaged, because then I will know that I am paying attention and learning new things.

  1. I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is…

When I have projects, always review and see how I can make it better. I want to have a project that represents quality, and shows that I put all the effort I could into it. I ask other people to read over my assignment and give me feedback on how they think that I can improve it. Because I need different people’s opinions about my assignment, because sometimes I can’t always take my word for it.

  1. When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I…

I take a deep breath, and continue to have all my attention on the assignment. I use common sense when I’m working; if I put 100% of my mind and effort into the project, I will finish it sooner. But if I search the internet and go back and forth between that and my work, it will take forever. So I always say to myself that if I finish earlier, I will have more time to do what I want to do. It works every single time. When I am focused, I always produce the best results from myself, because I am locked in and make sure that I put in the best work that I can give.