My 2020/2023 Year

GoalsAction Plan
I want to get a stable relying job that pays for my billsgo to Capilano for 3D Animation
Find a place to live that’s stable and hopefully in a nice placeGet a good pay from 3D animation job
Drivers licensehopefully I’ll get it after I graduate
campus is nice at the college/university I go to / Capilano is in a forest!

Law Studies 12 Reflection

Should our criminal justice system be more punitive or rehabilitative? Why?

In my opinion, we are way too lenient with sentencing in Canada. We need to learn how to be more punitive and when to use rehabilitation, and not assume everyone can be, or can change when they are released.

I can analyze my own beliefs and consider views that do not fit with them. 

I do realize my own beliefs are often different from others and can always understand different perspectives with decent reason. We are all entitled to an opinion, and not considering other people’s views is selfish.

Core Competency Goals

  • Goal 1: If I notice lack of communication in a group I’m in, that’s a sign that my group needs help and we can get support by adding whatever helps to the conversation and aim towards a possible goal.
  • Goal 2: An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is my post-secondary plans and what opportunities are available for me and which I can apply for. I always keep this in the back of my mind, and whenever an update comes out about my education I always check it out.
  • Goal 3: My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include taking notes and paying attention as best as I can. Whenever I get off track I try and get back on track as fast as I can and think of why I got distracted in the first place.

English 11 Poetry Reflection

My Poem

This is my poem about my Nirvanna Hat.

Curricular Competencies Reflection

A. The purpose of my poem is to talk about my Nirvanna Hat i got from my dad, and represent the meaning it has to me.

B. This poem was for my english teacher to show I can create an original poem.

C. I still own the hat and wear it, meaning it has a sense of home and comfort for me.

D. I tried my best to make the surroundings sound rainy and cloudy, and my home sounding warm and cozy, and emphasized those points in my poem.

E. I described the windshield as being damp meaning it was raining, and also said the skies weren’t clear.

Creative Thinking Core Competency Reflection

A. I thought about something that meant a lot to me, and I was wearing the hat that day.

B. I thought about things that rhyme, ways to describe the weather and conditions in paragraph, and thought about ways to drag the person in to the poem.

C. Rhyme and Imagery