English 11 Poetry Reflection

My Poem

This is my poem about my Nirvanna Hat.

Curricular Competencies Reflection

A. The purpose of my poem is to talk about my Nirvanna Hat i got from my dad, and represent the meaning it has to me.

B. This poem was for my english teacher to show I can create an original poem.

C. I still own the hat and wear it, meaning it has a sense of home and comfort for me.

D. I tried my best to make the surroundings sound rainy and cloudy, and my home sounding warm and cozy, and emphasized those points in my poem.

E. I described the windshield as being damp meaning it was raining, and also said the skies weren’t clear.

Creative Thinking Core Competency Reflection

A. I thought about something that meant a lot to me, and I was wearing the hat that day.

B. I thought about things that rhyme, ways to describe the weather and conditions in paragraph, and thought about ways to drag the person in to the poem.

C. Rhyme and Imagery