Hi, my name is Alexandra and some words that describe me are athletic, fun, chatty, curious, fair, and energetic. The 2 main goals I have for myself is to compete successfully in provincials and place in the top 3 individually as well as with my team. My second goal I have is to work hard and achieve good grades. I learn best when I have a read along sheet or my work is online so I am able take it home and work on anything on my own time without having to flip through a bunch of papers. My strengths are working in groups with my friends and others that think alike or I easily connect with. The last fact about myself is that I am a synchronised swimmer and I also play soccer.
I chose this photo as my picture that inspires me because this is a great example of a of two Olympic synchronised swimmers midway into a back flip. In this image they are both completely synchronised and have very descent height with perfect extension which I am hoping to be able to do with one of my teammates very soon.
This video represents one of my main goals for me and my team. I am hoping that we can grow and learn to work together properly so we will be able to use this highlight in on of our routines for regional’s and provincials to score higher points. Even though with Covid-19 this year it will be difficult to compete my team is hard working and I believe we can get there.
I chose this link because its a website all about Australian Shepherds. Australian Shepherd dogs have been my favourite breed since I cant even remember, there just so cute and fluffy. When I was 10 on my birthday I took a fairy instead of having a fun birthday party with my friends to get a dog. My family made a decision on getting a Lagotto Romagnolo instead but I will still always want an Australian Shepherd. My plan is to save up and buy one for myself when I move out.
“If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.” ~ Katharine Hepburn
I picked this quote for my all about me blog and as my favourite quote because it relates to me a lot. No one is ever perfect and everyone makes mistakes. If you try to be perfect you will never have any fun in life since your worrying about following rules 24/7.
ndifoin Beverly. (2020, March 14). 33 inspirational quotes for women – empowering and inspiring. Bright Drops.
Synchronized swimming lift. (n.d.). Retrieved 29 September 2021, from
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