This project was my creative story assignment and I feel like this demonstrates my chosen core competency well because I worked really hard to complete it to exceeding standards and to finish it on time. I also think this assignment demonstrates my core competency because it took a lot of communication with my work partner, organisation, and time management to complete it.

This visual representation reflects the Core Competency “The ways I communicate at school differ from how I communicate at my athletics in these ways”. How I grew in this core competency for my English 9 class this year and what I found helpful was learning new techniques and strategies to organize myself like making schedules and planning out when I am going to do something so I get it done. Another thing I think I improved on is sticking to my plans that I have created. I learnt to use my time wisely and balance my life to complete everything I need to do on time. The words you see above represent my thoughts on this core competency. I chose to symbolize my thoughts as cloud or thought bubble because planning out things takes a lot of thought, work, and time.
