History of my birthday

On March 7th 161 the death of Antoninus Pius had died of fever of children. Out of the five great gods, Antoninus Pius was a roman emperor from 138 to 161. Antoninus was 70 and found it difficult to keep himself upright and didn’t have much an appetite, only nibbling on dry bread to give him some energy to stay awake in the mornings. Antoninus was born into a senatorial family and held various offices during the reign of Emperor Hadrian, who also adopted Antoninus as his son shortly before his death. Antoninus Pius was married to Annia Galeria having a happy marriage, having four children, two boys, and two girls. Since Annia Galeria Faustina was involved in assisting charities for the poor and sponsoring and assisting in the education of Roman children, particularly girls when she passed Antonius Pius was devastated. To honour her memory, he had the Senate worship her and dedicated the Temple of Faustina to her in the Roman Forman. Multiple gold and silver statues were made of her, He had ordered various coins with her portrait, he also opened a charity called Puellae Fausrinianae, which translates to girls of Faustina to assist orphaned roman girls and created a new alimenta.


“There is still a lot to learn and there is always great stuff out there. Even mistakes can be wonderful.” – Robin Williams

I chose this quote because Robin Williams was a big part of my childhood. I was inspired and learned from his movies. I myself make a lot of mistakes and for someone who I looked up to at a young age makes me feel less of a failure. Mistakes are to be learned from and not to be ashamed or frowned upon.

1885 Northwest Rebellion timeline


a. most of the websites I used were secure and all the information from the websites was related to the information I needed.

b. I gave a short summary of all the events

c. I’m happy with how my timeline came out.

d. I wished that I could have used more pictures and made my bibliography bigger.