Core Competency

When it seems the good ideas just won’t come to me, I put my AirPods in a listen to music. This helps calm me and allows my brain to take a break and recharge. It allows me to clear my head and when I go back to come up with ideas I approach it from a different perspective than before. Listening to music helps me take a break and it relaxes me.
Describe one of your learning goals. One of my learning goals is to get above 80% in all of my classes. Even the math and science honours. I feel that if I constantly study and focus in class this goal will be achievable. I will track my grades by the results of my tests. If I do badly on one test I must make it up on the next. This goal can be obtained if I don’t give up and stop trying.
How do you learn best? I learn the best when it involves hands-on activities. I struggle to learn when it is just sitting down the whole class and doing stuff from the textbook. I learn the best when I use whiteboards or am up and moving. For me, the best way to learn is through interactive work. Whether it is working in groups or with whiteboards I feel that is when I learn the best and the most.

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