Power Tech Mouse Trap Car Grade 9

What The Project Is About
The mousetrap car project adjective was to have the fastest and farthest car. The point of the car was to make it fast for 15 feet and then see how far it could travel. The project was meant to test your critical thinking skills and your problem solving skills.
DESGINIG: My initial idea was to have a fairly heavy car to help battle the wheels spinning out. I also thought that on the rear axel I could attach a cylinder which acts like a transmission. However the transmission was not able to use its full potential due to the cars weight. Thus I swapped the frame for an alternative frame which was lighter. On the first test with the new frame I encountered that the car was too light for the transmission and the wheels would spin out and lose almost all its energy. Not to mention the fishing line would not release from the ziptie, causing to catch the car and make it go backwards. I then removed metal axles and the makeshift transmission and swapped it with small lighter kebob skewers. I found that the cars axel span for longer in the air and it felt fairly lighter. However I ran into another and that was that not all the wheels were touching the ground and that makes the car lose more energy and swerve to the right. I was able to fix that problem by using red washers. Those red washer helped balance the car out. After that problem was fixed the mousetrap car was ready.
HOW IT WENT: My car traveled 38 feet and made it too 15 feet in 6 seconds. I feel that may car could have went farther. I found during the first try it kept swerving right, so I countered that by aiming the car more to the left. Thee car would eventually turn left yet it would take a longer time for it to turn. Personally I am disappointed in how it overall went and I know next time what to fix and what to keep.

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