When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I go on walks or get a form of exercise. This allows me to re-focus will getting healthier.
When I am feeling anxious about a test, I can calm myself by listening to music. This helps me calm down and relax while staying focused. This puts me into a flow state.
When I make mistakes, I don’t beat myself up. Instead I try to understand what went wrong and how to improve for the future.
I can prevent some school-related stress by not letting it get to me. I have the mentality of one step at a time and this allows me to preserve.
I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group: I do my share. The key to a successful lab is clear communication with peers. Throughout the lab, I was able to take on the role in charge of heating and watching the precipitate dissolve. I did my share and allowed my partner to do his. Furthermore, we had clear communication on our roles and responsibilities. This allowed us to have a quick and thorough lab that developed our skills in determining the solubility constant.
I can work with others to achieve our goal. I am able to communicate and create a safe place where everyone can express the opinions. I can reflect on my thinking to improve future projects. I am able to reflect on homework and projects in order to get a better mark in the future. I can advocate for myself in times where my voice is silenced. I am able to express my emotions and opinions through various forms in order for me to be heard.
In my opinion, creating and presenting a script in Spanish is quite easy. Being fluent in Romanian made it easy as many verbs, nouns, and accents are pronounced similarly giving me the ability to present without hesitation. Writing in Spanish at times, can be difficult however, with help from my professor and peer tutor I was able to preserver any challenge. Moreover, I was able to use various tools to showcase my Spanish abilities. Textbooks and cuadernos allowed me to practice my skills and improve my understanding. Test gave me a chance to prove my skills that I had been refining in the textbooks and cuadernos. Overall, writing and presenting the script was easy and I was able to showcase my skills through the scripts and tests.
I believe that nutrition is key to a strong mindset and body. Throughout this unit, I have learned a great sum of information that will help me succeed as an athlete. I believe that I excel at having a balanced and strong diet. Logging all my meals, I have found that they are balanced between the three macronutrients. Furthermore, I also excel in my hydration, and watching what I drink. However, an area I can improve on is my sleep. During this unit, I had to log my sleep, and I have noticed that I get less sleep than the recommended time for my age. I believe I have sleep debt and it could result in poor function academically and athletically. Throughout this unit, I was able to demonstrate my communication with my teacher and peers. I was able to listen, obtain knowledge, and elaborate. On top of that, I was able to represent my ideas and thoughts clearly and professionally. This unit was a great way to show my communication and understanding of the topic by how I shared the information with the class.
I was able to demonstrate and excellent understanding in researching evidence and applying it into my work. A strength of mine is the fact that I am able to dissect evidence and understand the underlying causes. In the cause and consequences, fishbones, and analysis assignments I was able to dissect the text and express the evidence in my own words. Not to mention, I research evidence and used to back up my facts in the residential school unit project.
Core Competency
I can examine evidence from various perspectives to analyze and make well-supported judgments about and interpretations of complex issues. I am able to examine text and analyze the cause and consequences. Furthermore, I am able to make proper ethical judgment’s about complex issues. I was able to examine text in the cause analysis work and understand the scenario from different perspectives. During class discussions and the unit project I was able to give a well thought out and elaborated ethical judgement.
During this unit I have quickly realized how much a post can impede your future. Whether it is for an occupation or post secondary you social media can influence what happens. I was able to identify the risks of post negative comment or posts on social media. I have learned that having your posts “private” is beneficial but it can still impact you. What you post will stay online forever. Due to these projects I have become more diligent in what i should post. Before I post I like to think if this post can impede my future. There is many risks to post on social media, however if one has a positive footprint it can help them in the future. Everyone has a digital footprint, and it can be detrimental, or beneficial.
Core Competency
–Identify risk and appreciate benefits associated with personal and public digital footprints
During this unit I was to identify the risks of posting and how it can affect one in the future. However, I also learned that having a positive footprint can help you in scenarios. Thus it is important to watch what you post and too think whether or not it will impact you negatively in the future.
-I recognize my value and advocate for my rights. I take responsibility for my choices, my actions, and my achievements.
I can recognize my values and I can stand up for myself. Furthermore, I take responsibilities for my actions whether they have a negative or positive impact. I will take responsibility for my digital footprint no matter the consequences.
-I can gather and combine new evidence with what I already know to develop reasoned conclusions, judgments, or plans.
I can gather evidence and examine it to get a fair logical conclusion. Also, I can take evidence and apply it to everyday life scenarios to make plans. Not to mention I can make proper judgement if i review the evidence presented to me.
My goal is too expand my learning and too get more “tools in the tool belt.” I can make choices that help me meet my wants and needs and increase my feelings of well-being. I take responsibility for my actions. I will make choices that will benefit me towards accomplishing my wants and needs. Furthermore, if i am faced with any consequences I will take responsibility and accept the punishment. I am working on this goal because i believe it will give me a sense of happiness during the journey and when completed. I will do this goal by creating a “SMART” goal and use strategies taught to me.
This PowerPoint slide image on the left shows a silhouette of a man and a trophy. This is image shows that everything is possible and that all you need is motivation and perseverance. It is an image that proves everyone wrong and that anyone can achieve there goal. Motivation was key for both doctors. Without the motivation whether it was death or for discovery it would never have happened. Motivation is were it all starts.
Core Competency Refection
I can analyze text from the book and put it into my own words. I was able to convert the text from the movies and books to suit my slides. I was able to back up my slides with evidence and quotations from the movie. I show a sense of accomplishment and peace when I finish a project because I feel stress feel. Further more it relieves stress off my shoulder and I feel free. Overall this project when completed made me feel accomplished and put me at peace.
Explain how you figured out what your Avatar would look like.
I figured out what Garvey looked like by imaging in my brain what a person would look like if they had the personality of Garvey. Furthermore, I used the evidence in the text to match the description of Garvey. I also searched on the internet of what a parole officer looks like and used that to get rough sketch.
· How did you choose the plot points?
We choose the plot points by going through text in the book that Garvey stated or talked about. Furthermore, we combined like topics into one big point.
· Explain how you figured out the setting in your story. Why is the setting significant to the story?
The setting is significant because it provides the reader with context on the time, place, and environment that it takes place. I figured the setting out because it was clearly stated in the text. The place is clearly stated so is the season. I figured out the setting by carefully reading over the text and using my detective eye.
· Explain what the word mood means and how/why you picked the song that you picked?
I figured out the mood of the story by writing doneb the emotions i felt through the chapters. I then took the written done emotions and figured out what mood the book was. I then also tried to write down the mood Garvey gave off. With those pieces of information I then was able to search for a song that fit the book and Garvey.
Core Competency Reflection
I can also build on the ideas of others. I get the ideas and facts from other peers. We also share and come up with ideas together. Furthermore we build off of each other allowing for even better ideas.
I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group
I do my share. I was able to take part in the project and do my share of work and help.
I can find it easy
I find it easy to be part of a group because I can fit in well with anyone. I am very social and I am not afraid to make new friends.
An example of something I spent lots of time learning about is Trig. Trigonometry at first was very challenging, however as I got help from peers and Ms. Rands I understood the math concept and was able to overcome the challenge.
To celebrate an accomplishment such as getting 100% on my trigonometry test I do not celebrate it much. I celebrate it for 5 minutes however after those 5 minutes, I resume my day and focus on other things. It lifts my mood and also makes me more confident but I do not get out of my way to celebrate it.
When I am sad, angry, or frustrated I listen to music. It helps me calm down which in return allows me to be productive.
Some of the ways I work to build and maintain relationships are by simply talking to them. I talk to the about whatever one wants. I also maintain relationships by hanging out with the person and doing activities that make everyone laugh.
Nycyk, Michael. “The Power Gossip and Rumour Have in Shaping Online Identity and Reputation: A Critical Discourse Analysis.” The Qualitative Report, Feb. 2015. DOI.org (Crossref), https://doi.org/10.46743/2160-3715/2015.2092.