Spanish 10 Core Competency Reflection

I can work with others to achieve our goal. I am able to communicate and create a safe place where everyone can express the opinions. I can reflect on my thinking to improve future projects. I am able to reflect on homework and projects in order to get a better mark in the future. I can advocate for myself in times where my voice is silenced. I am able to express my emotions and opinions through various forms in order for me to be heard.

In my opinion, creating and presenting a script in Spanish is quite easy. Being fluent in Romanian made it easy as many verbs, nouns, and accents are pronounced similarly giving me the ability to present without hesitation. Writing in Spanish at times, can be difficult however, with help from my professor and peer tutor I was able to preserver any challenge. Moreover, I was able to use various tools to showcase my Spanish abilities. Textbooks and cuadernos allowed me to practice my skills and improve my understanding. Test gave me a chance to prove my skills that I had been refining in the textbooks and cuadernos. Overall, writing and presenting the script was easy and I was able to showcase my skills through the scripts and tests.