Reviewing Chapter 1: Factoring & Radicals

The part of chapter one I feel most comfortable with is factoring. I have found it quite easy to factor polynomials of all sorts. On top of that, I was able to practice my ability in the workbook questions and get a better understanding of what I was doing. However, I would say that a difficult part of this chapter would be a combination of radical equations and solving for extraneous solutions. Even though extraneous solutions are fairly simple I tend to forget to check for them, which in turn could deduct marks on future exams. I am currently working on checking for the extraneous solutions even though they are very tedious. Another thing that is a challenge is radical equations. Numerous questions in the workbook have stumped me and made me require help. Even though radical equations are long, tedious, and require great attention to detail, I believe that I am improving on the topic. I was able to improve by repetition, teach the concept to someone else, and perseverance. I tend to learn the material at hand better when I do it on whiteboards. Doing mathematics on whiteboards helps me converse with my peers and get a better understanding of how and why that step or formula was used. Furthermore, I find that when I teach someone the material it helps me retain the information more. I plan to prepare for the test by devoting the upcoming flex, lunch, and days to studying. I am completing the workbook questions, and on top of that, I am doing the extra practice posted on OneNote. Before taking the test I will be doing warm-up questions to activate my brain and get me in the right mindset. I complete all assigned work on time and in an appropriate manner. No matter what challenge is thrown at me I can preserver and succeed. I understand that in this course I can only rely on myself and that my behaviour/attitude to succeed. I am going to ensure my success in this class by never quitting, seeking help via flex or peer tutor, and completing the extra practice to strengthen my understanding. Quitting is not an option, which means that I must persevere and endure the challenges that are thrown towards me.