“Students communicate to share and build on one another’s creative ideas”
A majority of this class was taught through discussion. I was able to communicate my idea and opinion to the class and listen to other as well. Many discussion were ignited by others idea’s and it allowed the class to be inclusive.
“Thinking critically to recognize and appreciate different perspectives is key to both interpreting and creating communications”
In this class we read Macbeth and Julius Caesar, and we dove into interpreting characters thoughts and their perspective. This strengthen our ability to recognize different perspective and appreciate it.
“I communicate clearly and purposefully, using a variety of forms appropriately“
I was able to communicate clearly in my novel presentation. I was able to do this using PowerPoint and my presenting skills. Furthermore, I was able to communicate my understanding through numerous tests.
“I can think “outside the box” to get innovative ideas and persevere to develop them“
I thought outside the box when I was making my novel study presentation. I made my PowerPoint outside the box and it allowed me to convey certain emotions about the book.
I can work with others to achieve our goal. I am able to communicate and create a safe place where everyone can express the opinions. I can reflect on my thinking to improve future projects. I am able to reflect on homework and projects in order to get a better mark in the future. I can advocate for myself in times where my voice is silenced. I am able to express my emotions and opinions through various forms in order for me to be heard.
In my opinion, creating and presenting a script in Spanish is quite easy. Being fluent in Romanian made it easy as many verbs, nouns, and accents are pronounced similarly giving me the ability to present without hesitation. Writing in Spanish at times, can be difficult however, with help from my professor and peer tutor I was able to preserver any challenge. Moreover, I was able to use various tools to showcase my Spanish abilities. Textbooks and cuadernos allowed me to practice my skills and improve my understanding. Test gave me a chance to prove my skills that I had been refining in the textbooks and cuadernos. Overall, writing and presenting the script was easy and I was able to showcase my skills through the scripts and tests.
During this unit I have quickly realized how much a post can impede your future. Whether it is for an occupation or post secondary you social media can influence what happens. I was able to identify the risks of post negative comment or posts on social media. I have learned that having your posts “private” is beneficial but it can still impact you. What you post will stay online forever. Due to these projects I have become more diligent in what i should post. Before I post I like to think if this post can impede my future. There is many risks to post on social media, however if one has a positive footprint it can help them in the future. Everyone has a digital footprint, and it can be detrimental, or beneficial.
Core Competency
–Identify risk and appreciate benefits associated with personal and public digital footprints
During this unit I was to identify the risks of posting and how it can affect one in the future. However, I also learned that having a positive footprint can help you in scenarios. Thus it is important to watch what you post and too think whether or not it will impact you negatively in the future.
-I recognize my value and advocate for my rights. I take responsibility for my choices, my actions, and my achievements.
I can recognize my values and I can stand up for myself. Furthermore, I take responsibilities for my actions whether they have a negative or positive impact. I will take responsibility for my digital footprint no matter the consequences.
-I can gather and combine new evidence with what I already know to develop reasoned conclusions, judgments, or plans.
I can gather evidence and examine it to get a fair logical conclusion. Also, I can take evidence and apply it to everyday life scenarios to make plans. Not to mention I can make proper judgement if i review the evidence presented to me.
My goal is too expand my learning and too get more “tools in the tool belt.” I can make choices that help me meet my wants and needs and increase my feelings of well-being. I take responsibility for my actions. I will make choices that will benefit me towards accomplishing my wants and needs. Furthermore, if i am faced with any consequences I will take responsibility and accept the punishment. I am working on this goal because i believe it will give me a sense of happiness during the journey and when completed. I will do this goal by creating a “SMART” goal and use strategies taught to me.