Active Health Unit Core Competency Reflection


I believe that nutrition is key to a strong mindset and body. Throughout this unit, I have learned a great sum of information that will help me succeed as an athlete. I believe that I excel at having a balanced and strong diet. Logging all my meals, I have found that they are balanced between the three macronutrients. Furthermore, I also excel in my hydration, and watching what I drink. However, an area I can improve on is my sleep. During this unit, I had to log my sleep, and I have noticed that I get less sleep than the recommended time for my age. I believe I have sleep debt and it could result in poor function academically and athletically. Throughout this unit, I was able to demonstrate my communication with my teacher and peers. I was able to listen, obtain knowledge, and elaborate. On top of that, I was able to represent my ideas and thoughts clearly and professionally. This unit was a great way to show my communication and understanding of the topic by how I shared the information with the class.